Chapter 35 (Final 1/2)

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"WHAT!?! NOW!?!" I asked in a state of shock.

"YES! I'M NOT LYING!! AND IT HURTS!!!!" Loona shouted while having trouble standing up.

This is happening right now!? Why not after the event? Oh man. I can't think straight. My mind is all focused on her and helping her. So much so that I didn't pay attention of the Exterminator slamming onto the force field. I jumped and stabbed it with my half bow sword. I then see the force field getting weaker. It wasn't because of the amount of those things hitting through, but it was because of Octavia now doing it alone. Since Loona is unable to help, the field lost half it's magic. Meaning that the Exterminators can get through if enough force is applied. Octavia did get stronger the last time we faced them, but she can't handle all that at once.

Charlie then appeared behind us. "Did I just hear right? The baby is coming?"

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?!" Angel Dust cursed. "Can't she hold it in?!"

"That's not how it works, you fucking dumbass!" Vaggie scolded him.

Then practically most of our friends came.

"Does she need to go to the doctor?!"

"Out there?! Are you crazy!?"

"I can get warm blankets!!"

Loona then barked at us. "SHUT UP! I'M IN SO MUCH PAIN!! AAAAAAAAH!"

I snapped back to my senses and tried to think of a plan. "Ok. Charlie. Take her to a safe place and I'll be there shortly. Collin. Help them out. Everyone else. Kill them sons of bitches!"

"Oh. I like your style." Angel winked. I shrugged it off and continued fighting the many Exterminators trying to budge through. What was it that Collin was going to say to us. What was the reason they were trying to get in? Maybe after this is over, I'll ask him.

* * *

A few minutes has passed and I was having trouble concentrating. I was able to keeping hitting the targets, but I was still worried about my wife. My kid. I wanted to see them. I just want to. But the others are having so much trouble that I just couldn't leave them. What do I do?

And just when things couldn't get any worse, it did. Octavia was feeling drained for having to put so much effort into keeping the shields up. Soon, a hole was formed and one Exterminator got through just before it closes back up.

"ONE GOT IN!" Octavia screamed. Vaggie and I were prepared. But it just went through us, ignoring us. What the hell? Why? Were we not important? That's when I soon had a realization: It was going after Loona!

"NO!" I screamed and ran through the corridor and fired a warning shot at its arm, just before it could get to the hallway where they're at.

I soon looked at the Exterminator's face, looking really angry, insane, blood thirsty. I got goosebumps just looking at it. But then, I felt something. Like I've known this particular killer. Why did it seem so...familiar? That's when it hit me: It was the same Exterminator I faced the previous event! It was back, alive and more sinister than ever! How the fuck did it came back?! Did it respawn? Was it brought back? I don't know, but I can still feel it was the same.

It soon made a glass breaking scream and charged at me. I couldn't aim in time as it was fast approaching! So I turned my bow into dual swords and fought this abomination. It was fast and strong. I was barely able to land a blow without getting hit. It was like I need to avoid it and not fight as a goal in a game. This thing is no doubt pure chaos.

"What do you want from Loona!?" I asked this thing, knowing that I may never get an answer.

And just as I predicted, it only answered with a screech. It soon charged at me with an intent to end me for good. But I was not going to let that happen. No way. I used my dual swords and blocked its attack from left to right. For every block, the Exterminator gets angrier. I needed to find a blind spot and fast! Otherwise I won't last long!

Just then, I saw an opening! But it was only for a second. I wasted no time. I used one of my swords to block its attack and used the other to hit its blind spot. I was successful. I know it only made a cut and didn't kill it, but damn that felt good! That feeling was short lived as that Exterminator looked at me funny. Its face started to glitch uncontrollably, while flashing red. Finally, it stopped and it screamed with pure rage. Its face was that of a demonic computer with a pure expression. It really hates me.

All of a sudden, Vaggie appeared and stabbed it through the chest with her spear. For some reason, the cut from my weapon weakened its defense just enough for any normal weapon to pierce through it and kill it. Unfortunately, the Exterminator didn't die from that attack. It was greatly wounded, but was still twitching. I took this opportunity and fused my swords back into my bow and charged my arrow.

"Tell your master to leave us alone." I told this monster before I fired my arrow to its face. The Exterminator screamed in agony, while at the same time it was slowly dying. After twitching, its body remained silent. It died. Again. But after today, I know it will come back, hellbent on killing me.

"Bogumierz. Go see Loona. We got this." Vaggie told me.

"Wait!" I protested. "Octavia can barley keep the shield up now! You guys need my help!"

"Don't worry! Believe it or not, Alastor is helping out with the shield." I blinked after that statement. Alastor, the Radio Demon, helping us out now. Vaggie rolled her eye. "I know I know. It's fucking unbelievable. But we can handle it."

I hesitated for a bit. But after a good while, I sighed. "If it gets too much, call me." Vaggie nodded in agreement. I soon ran toward the room to find Loona. I hope she's having better luck.

* * *

"FUCK!" Loona cried. She was on the bed with a blanket covering her lower waist while her legs are adjusted. Next to her is Collin who was trying to help her relax, only to have Loona give her the death stare. Charlie was at the end of the bed in an attempt to help her deliver.

"Contractions are good. Just keep pushing." Charlie instructed her.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M DOING!?!" Loona barked. Her expression changed. She was now scared with tears coming down her cheeks. "I...I can't do this."

"Yes you can." Charlie stated with a firm face. "Your baby needs to see you."

"And you're doing so well." Collin added. "Just keep pushing."

"I...I can't." Loona started to cry. "I can't..."

"LOONA!" I shouted as I opened the door. I saw my Hellhound wife in bed, in pain. I rushed towards her and kissed her. "I'm here."

"B..Bogy..." Loona grabbed onto my hand. "I'm scared...What if I-"

"Don't think about it." I assured her. "Just keep going. I'll stay here with you. You're not gonna be alone in this. I promise."

"But what about your post?"

"Alastor got it covered. Besides, I can tell you need me. Come on Loona." I encouraged her.

Just seeing me next to her was enough to make her smile. That smile was cut short after another sharp pain. She nearly screamed out loud. But withheld it and squeezed my hand harder. I ignored the pain and stayed close to her. With me by her side, Loona had the will to keep going. She decided to push with all of her might and to make this baby come out and be born.

Charlie's eyes widen. "Loona! I see the head! Keep going! You're doing great!"

I tried to think of something to motivate her. But I didn't know how. For now, I just need to stay by her side. With every push, Loona screamed profanity, insults, and even mocks Moxxie even though he's not here. Her fur was getting mangled throughout her labor. Then after one final Push, Loona screamed so loud. And then...we hear it.

It was the sound of an infant crying.

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