Chapter 29

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Everyone is now together in a huge room inside he Hotel where there is no windows so that Striker, who was restrained, cannot escape or pin point his location. He was even stripped of his weapon and other devices just so he doesn't try anything. They even took his phone and tried to look through the contacts to see who hired him. While they were doing so, Octavia was in the same with Vaggie, ready to interrogate him.

She walked up to him with the gun. "Tell me. Who gave you this?"

"Your lover?" Striker joked.

Vaggie hits him with the other end of the spear. "Say the truth!"

"Or what?" Striker asked as he was clearly not intimidated. "You're gonna try the redemption thing on me?"

"I'll try something far worse!" Vaggie pointed a spear at him, but Octavia held her back. She then walks up towards Striker.

"Listen here, Imp. I am not patience when it comes to you. Now. I'll ask again. And for your sake, I hope you speak truthfully." She then holds a gun and shows it to him. "Where did you get this?"

"I told you." Striker smirked. "You can figure it out since you're the smart one."

Octavia was about to hit him, but stopped herself. She tried to think of all the possible answers into why he has it. After carefully thinking through, she stopped. "Striker was it? Tell me. How much is your client paying to kill my dad?"

"Why do you care?"

"I'm trying to put the pieces together. And since you like money, I figure it has to be someone rich."

Striker then laughed. "See? I told you! You're too smart for me to tell you. But if you must know, SHE is paying me with rare weapons."

Octavia then worked around her head to think. She? Rare weapons? As far as she knows, her royal family is the only royalty with rare weapons like this. This person would have to be a thief. But it was impossible. Stolas's plants acts like sentinels, protecting the Goetia family from any and all threats. So that was out of the question.

Millie too was not the client. She's too happy with her life the way it is and is kind to Stolas. Plus, she has so many weapons that are common looking. She even stated that rare weapons would take the fun out of killing the I.M.P. targets. Plus, there were only so much space for weapons.

Then, Octavia froze. Thinking of all the outcomes, there was only one person who would hire Striker to kill Stolas. But she didn't want to believe it. She tried to deny it. Telling herself it's not true. She looks at him. "Was"

"Mother?" Striker finished before he chuckled. "Boy does she hate him to the point where she hired me."

Octavia was speechless. Her heart was filled with so many emotions: Anger. Shock. Sadness. All of it started to surface as she was shedding a tear. "No." She said. "YOU'RE LYING!!!"

"Lady." Striker spoke in a serious tone. "I never lie. If you don't believe me, look at the voice messages on my phone."

At first she didn't want to. She wanted to kill him where he sat. But her curiosity and her desire for the truth overwhelmed her decisions and she picked up his phone. She played the message.

"Striker. It's me. I hope you haven't forgotten about our deal. I want you to kill that cheating embarrassment of a prince! I will not stand him fucking some imp anymore! MAKE IT HAPPENED!" Then it hung up. The room went silent. Octavia knew the voice was her mother. She froze with a mixture of emotions.

Vaggie can see she was upset. She decided that they were done with the interrogation and knocks Striker out with her other end of her spear. He was knocked out cold. "Octavia." She looked at the Owl Princess. "I..." Before she could finish, Octavia left the room and went straight to one of the hotel rooms.

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