Rules of the Useless ones!

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A/N: Izuku's POV unless said otherwise

It's already been a month after the USJ incident and they all still think I am useless. It's true I can't use my quirk without hurting myself but it's not like I had my whole life to train it or to get used to it.

I was born quirkless.

Yes, you heard right quirkless!

I don't have the luck of having one.


I don't know....

Maybe because life isn't fair?


Because life sucks and hates me.

I am betting on the second opinion.

How is living a life without a quirk you might ask yourself.

Well for me it was never a question.

I lived through it and experienced everything first hand.

So how is it to be quirkless?

To make it short:

Literally living hell!

So why am I still alive?

I don't know to be honest!

Maybe because I had a dream that I was holding onto for dear life.

Maybe I hated the thought of letting my mother behind, when she always cared for me. Unfortunately, the only one.

Or maybe because I was only waiting for a good opportunity.

No... Let me be completely honest here. Even if life is crappy and sucks it is still my life and I am attached to it.

I'm not saying I like it the way it is, I am only saying that I still have hope and I simply learned to deal with it.

What doesn't kill you makes you strong right?!

What no one knows is that quirkless doesn't automatically means useless.

I learned pretty quickly that I need to hide my intelligence and my true capabilities. Everyone thinks that quirkless kids or people in generally are at the bottom of the food chain. They are weak and can't fend for themselves. Seeing that such a person is able to get better results than someone with a quirk is unheard and there is a good reason for that.

There are some unspoken rules for us quirkless people:

#1: Never fight back!

I needed to learn this lesson the hard way.

Normally every normal human being would say the weakest link needs protection and the stronger ones are responsible for that.

Well obviously, wrong!

My classmate and childhood best friend turned against me the moment he heard I was quirkless!

From that moment on everything changed. I was getting beaten up every single day since I was 4. Not at home luckily but at the park or kindergarten or preschool and even in school.

People hate quirkless people. I am even treated like I was some kind of disease. Where I was the normal one and every other one with a quirk was just abnormal in some kind of way.

#2 Never talk back.

This is something I learned as soon as I started going to school.

Every time I would talk back I was either yelled at or forced to go the principal. The teacher would always say something like I was mocking them or that I was being stubborn and arrogant towards them.

There are so many reasons I heard them say but that never was the case. I never was unfriendly or disrespectful.

Anyways, once I end up in front of the principal, he would punish me. One time it cleaning up the school another time it was a suspension and another it was detention. Sometimes the teachers even gang up on me in the detention room and use a ruler to hit me or even they quirk.

For example, there was this teacher he hated me because I always knew the answer to any questions. Most of the times I would spend my detention time with him and he would use his quirk names phantom pain on me. As the name already says, it inflicts mental pain that feels like it was real. However, he needed to touch someone directly where he wants them to suffer from immense pain and so he would come to my side and grab me around my neck or hands.

To be completely honest, the pain is indescribable! It hurts so much that I was multiple times so close on killing myself just for it to stop. Then again it was extreme pain I felt around my neck that I was already close enough to suffocate because my body instinctively stopped breathing. It was not the first time I was so sure I would die there.

#3 Never show your real intelligence.

It only took me one incident to figure this one out. I am a good student and I love learning new things. They are really interesting to me and since I don't have much friends, I would spend most of my time in books or my notebooks. That basically means I know a lot and I mean a lot. I probably know the whole text boom in and out.

One time I had a test and scored 100% I was immediately given detention since I supposedly was cheating. Since then, I am always making sure to leave some more error so that I was good enough to not fail the test.

Then on the same day, I tried to defend myself and was called to the front to solve the same question and I did it perfectly again. The teacher wasn't happy about it and began screaming at mr telling me that this was not normal that I was make fun of him and then he demanded that I would stretch my arms out, which I did and he hit me with a ruler than let me stay in a corner for the rest of the day.

#4 Never ask for any help.

Last time I met a police officer and told him about a robbery in a nearby alley, he only told me this:

"Don't bother us with your stupid jokes. You shouldn't tell people such a lie only to get attention! I could kill you right here and right know! No piss off! You are lucky I don't shoot you and say that you attacked me! The paperwork for that is too much trouble!"

Can you even imagine that?!

All I wanted was to help the poor victim but he basically told me if I was about to bother him again, he would shoot me!

Then there is this one time where I tried to get help because of Bakugos beating and quirk usage which was illegal.

The first and only time I tried to get medical assistant, they didn't want to let me in because I am quirkless. Even though I was completely covered in my own blood!

A child walking or in my case running down the streets in brought day light covered in blood and no one cares to help him since they knew exactly that he was quirkless!

Rumors of a quikless kid spread fast in the district we live in and thanks to that it was getting harder for my mother to get a job. She loved me and I loved her but it worried me how much she was working. She had 3 jobs and was barely eating or sleeping.

It was only a week after USJ that I got the notification that she was send to a hospital because she collapsed at work and in the same week she passed away because I couldn't effort the treatment and they were also refusing to give her any. This was all my fault. They I knew I was quirkless a d that she gave birth to me and since I was still alive and relatively healthy, they knew how she was treating me. This was her signing her own death papers.

Since she paid the rent for the year, I had some time to figure something out.

Sometimes I wonder, WAS THIS NOT ENOUGH?

A/N: Update probably once a week. I don't know which day but once a week. At least I hope I can do it once a week. 

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