War Day2: Vampire Hunt!

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Vlad King's POV:

I was chasing after All Might in order to make sure that he doesn't do anything stupid but I lost him and so I was wondering around without any plan or direction. The truth was that I was walking around the whole fucking place and couldn't remember where the villain lair was. I also spend the night outside in an abandoned building.

The reality was sad. I was lost and the earbud I had in order to contact my team was broken too.

How did I end up in this kind of shit anyways?

Oh right I was chasing after All Might yesterday.

Never do that again.

I have learned my lesson.

Now how do I return back to my team?

Where am I in the first place?

I was walking around completely clueless until I felt like someone was watching me. Hopping that this was my team I slowed down and began looking around but I couldn't see anyone.

This might be Izuku again.

It also might be one of my class or class 1a member.

Better start running here.

I had a feeling if I stayed there longer than necessary something might happen and not only that I do not want to know what our leader will do to me if the opposite team got me. Not only did I disobeyed him, I also got lost and didn't even get one single person out of the game.

What did you even expect from me in the first place?

I mean they are my class.

That was painful obvious that he planned that.

He might had even tested me and I was sure that I failed that test.

As I was speed walking down the street and turned the next corner, I fell down face first.

Me: What the -?

I somehow managed to fall over my own feet or so it looked like it. There was no stone and no plant that I could have tripped over.

Bakugo POV:

After we defeated All Might yesterday our truce with Deku ended and we were once again on our own. Before Izuku left us he told us that we had one day to rest because we helped him get rid of All Might. I was not so fucking sure if he would really stick with what he said. Better fucking safe than sorry and so I had my people go around patrolling around. That was also when Jiro informed me that they found Vlad King.

This one opportunity that I couldn't miss. It was Shoji who found him and Hagakure who was momently with him making sure that we wouldn't lose our pray.

Me: Oi, Duck Tape, Bird brain you guys are coming with me! Now lead the way Ears! The rest stay here and be on high alert!

Just like that I went to see Hagakure together with Sero, Tokoyami and Jiro. It didn't even take long for us to find him. In fact, Vlad King was way too close to our hero headquarters then I would like.

Me: Careful. This might be a trap.

Sero: But there is also the opportunity that this was no trap.

Me: This is fucking Deku we are talking about. He would gladly sacrifice one of his pawns if that meant that he could get rid of more than one person at the same time.

Tokoyami: I don't think that he would do that.

Me: No? Then what was yesterday? He used us to get rid of one of his own team mates only because he didn't like him.

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