War Day 3: Are we rooting for him? YES definitelly!

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3rd POV: (inside OfA)

1: He got his cat. They approved.

2: You serious?

7: Why not? I mean Eraserhead liked him too.

5: He is just a crazy cat person like you!

4: If not even more.

6: Nah, 7 is crazier.

2: Agree.

7: HEIJ That's just mean!

1: Well I approve of the tiger being his new pet.

3: Can someone please tell me why the tiger is like this towards our 9?

4: Who knows, maybe he is madly in love?

6: I think there is more to it.

1: I agree, seeing as they lead him to the true villain's lair on the island. There must be some meaning to it.

7: Do you think the answer lays in the documents he was reading through?

1: I believe so. There is a reason why the person never wrote that the animals attacked him and I think the same reason is the cause why they are not attacking our 9.

4: Sounds plausible but what reason can that be?

5: Who knows that was a crazy lab!

2: Agree. Maybe some aura shit or something else.

Time skip brought to you by Izuku being a master wielder of the scythe and eliminating his first 4 people on this day.

3: The scythe is soo pretty! Do you think I can have one too?

2: If you wanna be the grim reaper then sure go ahead.

4: Pfffff-hahahaha

6: I don't get it. Why is 4 laughing?

7: That was a good one.

1: I remember how much you love weapons.

3: Just look at the beauty.

5: How about instead of looking the weapon you look at 9. . . He is goddamn good with using it. Like damn that are some good moves. Where did he learn that?

2: I say it comes natural.

6: This much?

2: Yes! All his movements are flawless. He never did a motion more or less only the necessary amount in order to get the job done and to get his goal.

4: I don't care how he got these skills, he looks like he had some fun.

1: Yes and we can see that he is stronger than any of us.

3: Ah I just don't want to face him as an opponent he is scary.

1: I am sure he was just warming up.

6: What makes you say that?

1: Because he still hasn't traumatized them yet and he asked Nezu before the game started how much he was allowed to hurt them.

7: Ahh I see. He still hasn't done it yet.

3: Ohh that will be a spectacle.

5: Now should be lay back and watch the show?

1: Yes!

7: Definitely!

3: You two are extremely excited about this!

7: Of course it's our green bean. He will finally show them what he is capable of and won't hold back!

time skip brought to you by Izuku having a new pack of crows at his side.

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