Villains Side!

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The moment I entered the room, I saw all the teachers standing there:

All Might

Vlad King





Power Loader




Nezu: Welcome to the villains team Midoriya!

After our short meetup, I went to find himself a nice and quiet place. I intended to find all the loopholes and exploit them.

There was only one place that was very quiet and I loved it, the rooftop. I knew that the rooftop was off limits for students but that never stopped me from lock picking the door and go there to enjoy lunchtime or when I felt like I needed a break from my class. It was weird knowing that the rumors that I could hear going all around the school where originating from my class. It bothered me to know that. At least there were still people that haven't spoken ill over me. One I was up there I went to my spot and took out the guidelines.

Therefore, I went on and began reading the whole rule guide. This was a game for Nezu and I had no intention to make life easy on my classmates if anything I decided to go hard core on them. I began to mark some rules and write the possibility of a loophole down.

I felt like I was being watched and after a while I knew why.

Nezu was looking on the Security Cameras and saw me writing some words down. Since he knew that I would be on their side and seeing as I just wrote a bunch of things down, there was no chance that the rat god would not be interested in what I had wrote down. After 2h he called for me to come to him.

I had some questions, I went through all the loopholes I found, and he just agreed that I could use them. Then again, I wouldn't make it that easy for him to find out what I had planned. We might be on the same team but I still wanted to have some hidden card up my sleeve. I didn't trusted them.

I could see that he was shocked by all the loopholes I found.

Nezu: It seems you found a lot of the loopholes I placed, Midoryia but I never imagined that you will find everyone.

Me: I just wanted to make sure that, I will not break the rules during the game. Now I wanted to ask you this, it says that the games starts the time we get the rule guide is that true?

Nezu: Of course, with that being said the game has technically started, why do you ask?

Me: I wanted to make sure that if I decided to spy on my classmates that it would not go against the rules and immediately disqualify us.

Nezu: It wouldn't. Besides, I am already doing this.

He then showed me his screen and he was indeed watching them all.

Me: Are those drones?

Nezu: Yes, they are Power Loaders creations. He also made some weapons for us and a villain costume.

Me: I should thank him than. This eliminates the next question I had.

Nezu: And that would be?

Me: I wanted to request the assistance of the Support Student Mei Hatsume? I believe her designs could help us but I forgot that Power Loader was already on our team doing it.

Nezu: What a splendid idea! I believe he would also like some assistance in building his so called babies. Do you have any specific plans right now?"

Me: No.

Nezu: You don't have to lie!

Me: Okay yes, I have!

Nezu: If you don't want to share them right now, than that is fine. However, I want you to know that we are a team now and you can trust us.

Me Am I allowed to hurt them in "any" kind of form and to which extend?

Nezu: As far as you do not kill someone or immobilize someone for the rest of their life.

Well he didn't say anything against mentally or emotionally. Good to know that!

Me: I have one last question: Can I use explosives?

Nezu: I will get Snipper to teach you how to use them and after that you will be allowed to handle them as you like. But do tell my why do you want to use explosives?

Me: Distraction.

Nezu: I see.

Me: What happens when a hero kills a hero?

Nezu: The hero which killed a teammate will be disqualified. But that never happened and the same for the villains.

Me: I believe that's all I wanted to ask.

Nezu: I can't wait to see what you are planning to do since you will be the villains leader.

Hold on what did the Rat say...

Did I hear wrong...

And here I was hoping I woudn't be the leader.

Not that I couldn't handle it, I just don't felt like dealing with them even more. I don't trust them that much. Besides I kinda wanted to do my own thing and now I had a team to take care of.

Well I will be damned if I don't take care of my team!

Nezu: I am sure you will love it.

I sure will!

This whole leader thing sounded suspiciously like he wanted my trust and at this point I am pretty sure he knows about my mother and my whole situation.

Nezu, you should have known better!

There are rules that prohibit me from telling you everything.

You should know that!

With that I decided to prepare for the WAR and leave the room. I had no words for him in respond and so I left without even saying properly goodbye.

Will I blow up some stuff... Sure

Do I intent to torture them?...Yes and not only physically but also mentally.

Will I make sure they start killing each other...Maybe

Do I have a team to carry to the goal.

Most likely!

Will I intentionally eliminate some of my own team members?


No Surely!

Like 100000% sure!

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