War Day 3: Eyes and Ears in the sky!

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A/N: Am I seeing thing now? I see a smiley in my chapter title. Now that I have seen it, I can't unsee it. . . .

Me and Hawks run back to where we first met the group of 4 heroes but as expected they were not around anymore.

Hawks: I will go and search for them.

Me: That won't be necessary.

Hawks: How come?

Me: Since they nearly illuminated my team, it is time for me to do them the same favor.

Hawks: Kid, you don't make any sense.

Me: Watch me!

I put my hands to my mouth in order to whistle. I was never the big fan of that since I was not really able to do it every time but this time I was lucky and managed to whistle. A sharp tone exited my mouth.


Hawks: Huh?

He was looking at me perplexed where I was only looking at him and smile.

Hawks: Izuku, you are freaking me out with that simple.

Me: That is intentionally.

Hawks: Why did you do that? You just gave away our possit- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?

As he started to lecture me, he suddenly stopped and pointed behind me. Once I turned around I saw the same group of birds that lead me to the underground villain lair of the crazy experiment lunatic of a villain.

Me: Oh that?

I pointed at them and turned back around to him.

Me: Don't worry about them.

He was just looking at me creeped out by my smile and I could literally see him shiver.

Hawks: Nope, NoNoNo. These killer birds! We need to get out of here!

Me: Chill, Hawks.


Me: Oh so you know them?

Hawks: Not personally but every hero that saw what happened to the island knows them. They are a pain in the ass and killed multiple high ranked heroes. Now let's move.

Me: I said chill!

Hawks: Izuku, please! They are no joke!

Me: Why can't you already take a chill pill?

I turned back around and looked at the bird. One bird was flying in front of them and his feathers looked a little bit darker than the rest of them.

This must be the leader.

Maybe he is even the one called Scarecrow and not the whole pack of them. . .

I put my hand out as an offer for the bird to land on and not even a second later the bird let himself fall to the ground picking up even more speed. The moment he was close to me he began flapping his wings to slow down and landed on my arm.

Me: You have such pretty feathers.

The moment I said that I began to pet him slightly and the bird responded to it positively. It even looked like he was proud of me saying that to him and praise him for his astonishing shiny and beautiful feathers. I watched him open his wings and pluck out a small feather.

Me: What are you doing? I won't grow back!

The bird just ignored me and slowly went towards my hand and put it down there.

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