War Day 2: What's up with the Drones?

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After what Cementoss told me immediately checked with Mei and Power Loader what happened. I was sad that I lost another member but thankfully he told us the glitch. We would have probably seen it if the were not appearing in the picture in about half an hour.

I was currently with Mei and Power Loader. The reason for me to be there was to check what happened with the drones. One thing was for sure, class 1B was only extremely lucky to get two pro heroes out. If we were not that confident that they were standing there and discussing something, then there was no way I can think of for them to surprise us.

Pure coincidental luck or fate.

(A/N: Don't forget plot amour! hihihi)

Me: Anyone here?

As I entered the room, I called out to them. There was after all a slim chance that they were not here or the heroes found them. Not that it was stupid of me to call out or anything, heck noo. Aham it was totally. If our enemies where there than I would have just give away that I came in and the surprise moment was gone. Thankfully I had my scythe with me and not only that if worse comes to worse I could easily use my quirk to book it.

However, if there was no enemy here then I 100% needed to tell them that I was here and not scare them because if they were working on a weapon which they probably were, that thing might have exploded. Not might have it for sure would have exploded. It was Mei after all we were talking about and it's not like Power Loader didn't enjoy a good explosion too.

Mei: Izuku!

Power Loader: We are right here.

Mei: What bring you here Izu?

Me: Isn't it obvious? I am here because of the drones.

Mei: Oh...

Power Loader: We still haven't figured out why they would just fall down and send a feedback loop.

Me: We lost not only visual but also 2 members. What do you mean you don't know why they just crashed?

Power Loader: We can't say for sure without looking at one.

Mei: Can you bring us one?

Me: The enemies have the drones right now, so no can do.

Mei: Awww but Izu...

Me: I am not risking my life to get one back. More importantly can't you guys just hack into the observes drone and get the feedback from them?

Power Loader: That is a good idea.

Mei: And we are already working on it.

Me: Good.

Power Loader: We came up with an idea for the old drones but wanted to get your approval first before we do that.

Me: You want them to explode?

Mei: YESSSS! Wait how did you know that?

Me: It's not that hard to guess that one, knowing you.

Mei: Ahahahaha

Power Loader: Well what do you say?

Me: That it would be a waste if they are not placed properly.

Mei: Oh we but they are placed properly.

Power Loader: She is right, we managed to get back the visual from them.

Mei: Looki Looki!

They showed me on the Pc what the drones were currently seeing. 3 of them were in the hands of class 1B. To be more precise they were in the same room as most of the students and they were also relatively close to them.

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