War Day 4: No one is ever safe!

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The moment we were in front of the building I let Kotetsu teleported us both to the rooftop.

Aizawa: The rooftop again?

Me: Yes but this time we will have an advantage here.

Aizawa: How come?

Me: I am with you now!

Aizawa: Very reassuring.

Me: Aw come on have faith in me!

I wnet straight towards the rooftop door and kicked it open.

Aizawa: If they had some kind of alarm made there then you for sure just triggered it.

Me: That was the plan.

I then went towards Aizawa and put a hand on his shoulder.

Me: Kotetsu get us down in front of the building.

The cat immediately did what I asked.

Me: Now let's go inside.

Without even waiting for Aizawa, I took out my scythe from behind me and then I went inside the building. What I wanted was to get them all out. So I went inside and screamed at the top of my longs.


Aizawa: Problem child! I am regretting teaming up with you!

Me: Nah, now come on!

Since Aizawa was looking at me as if I was stupid and clearly judged my decision. I needed to take him by his hand and then I pulled him behind me into the next room.

Me: *Sight* come on!

I went to the side of the entrance exam into the first room I saw. It was completely empty and it was only a small storage room.

Me: Shush!

We then waited and heard a couple of footsteps approaching us.

Iida: Izuku is in the building!

Hagakure: They should be on the rooftop.

Jiro: No I told you I heard him screaming down here!

The moment they past us, I opened the door towards the door and went behind them. Both me and Aizawa began to walk behind them very stealthy. We looked at each other and I smiled at him before we continued walking after them. I think I might have surprised him because of how stealthy I could be. It was nothing new to me that I could erase my presence but I was not so sure if Aizawa knew that at all. Well either way we were about to do some cool shit.

Aizawa went in and used his quirk to get Hagakure wrapped up in his scarf and he also made sure that her mouth was tightly wrapped up too. This meant that she was not able to make any sound. In fact, no one of us made any noise so far.

After that I decided to get right behind Iida and placed my scythe around his neck. The moment he felt the scythe he turned around and looked at me.

Me: Nice meeting you ohh hero~!

Iida: Midoriya!

Me: Ahm, no! I am Usagi! But you wouldn't know that! Well you will learn this soon enough since I will be your worst nightmare!

Iida: A scythe? That is not very hero like!

Me: I am no fucking hero! Tried it once and didn't like it so here I am! The biggest villain you ever seen!

Jiro: Wait is that??

Me: Ohh I see you saw my partner in crime!

I put the scythe away and began walking around Iida. He was intelligent enough to not let me go of his eye sight.

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