War Day 2: Welcome to the Team!

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Hawks POV:

After hearing that angry ass Pomeranian calling me chicken over and over again, I had it enough. I was never interested to be in the observes team to begin with. It was simply not fair. All the teachers were allowed to be villains and we needed to sit in our room in a freaking boat to watch the whole game. Nah-ah not with me! I don't let him cage me that easy! On top of that he did tell me I was allowed to participate if I really wanted to so yeah that was exactly what I was about to do.

I was currently flying around searching for a villain member when I came across Snipe but I was already too late he was already eliminated.

They lost one on their side and gained another one.

If that is not luck, then I don't know what is!

I still need to find the entrance of their freaking lair.

I probably should have looked it up before just jumping into the game...

Oh wait I can take Snipes earbud!

With that in mind I went down and began hovering over the floor. There were still two people in front of me.

I wonder if I should eliminate them.

They did eliminate him after all!

Oh well if I am here, I might as well do it!

From the looks of it they haven't even realized that I just landed behind them. Once I was on the ground I let every single feather of mine into the air and hovering around me like arrows into the air.

Me: Yuhu!

Monoma: What?

Both heroes turned around the moment I called out for them.

Tsutonoti: Hawks?!

Me: Yep the one and only. So what were you doing?

Monoma: Can't you tell? We just finished of a villain. You can gladly take him away.


Didn't they hear the news or are they just ignorant.

Tsunotori: Ahm Monoma. Hate to break it but he is part of the villain's team.

Me: What gave me away? The feathers that are ready to strike or the announcement earlier?

Tsunotori: Both.

Monoma: There was an announcement.

Me: Oh boy you either must be really stupid or ignorant. Well they say ignorance is bliss right?

Not that I mind though!

You guys are the perfect gift for the villain's leader!

I mean he surely will be happy hearing that I managed to get two heroes out of the game that put one of his own teammates out.

How truly lucky I am.

Me: Now what's it gonna be? Will you surrender and let me finish -

Before I could even finish what I was saying I felt the air temperature drop and I jumped to the side just in the nick of time. One split second later and I would have been trapped into ice. While I jumped to the side I let my feathers fall towards the one guy that was so eager to attack me.

Me: Fighting it is!

What happened next could be hardly called a fight. Since I knew that Monoma could copy and store up to 3 quirks, his current quirk was the one from Todoroki's son. I was not dumb to not even look at each and every participant of the game. This is after all one great show of entertainment especially if I was allowed to participate in it too.

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