War Day 2: Not that dumb...

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Cementoss POV:

Me and the others villain's members were waiting for Midoriya to return after telling us that he would welcome our new member Hawks.

Midnight: I do wonder that Snipe wasn't able to get them all out.

Mic: You are right. He would always rapid fire and this time he not only needed more time but didn't hit that well.

Nezu: The answer to that is very simple.

Midnight: Huh, it is?

Nezu: Of course! The weapons he was using this time were not his old guns that not only short a little bit off but also are handled slightly different. From what he just saw we can conclude that he didn't spend any time in trying them out.

Aizawa: Probably.

Me: I wonder what we are to do next.

Aizawa: Midoriya told us we would get Vlad's class out of the game today.

Me: So another 12 persons left to go.

Midnight: We can do this!

Mic: She's right!

We could hear Izuku talking to Hawks and became silent. It didn't take them long to get into the room after that.

Izuku: We unfortunately lost Snipe but we have gained a new ally Hawks.

Nezu: That was to be expected.

Izuku: Why didn't you tell me this to begin with that? I could have let Mei and Power Loader make a new costume for him and a weapon!

Nezu: It was not my place to tell you about the observes.

Izuku: I get it.

Hawks: So who are we targeting next?

Midnight: We could go after this group here.

She pointed to a screen with Komori, Kendo, Kodai and Tokage. It was a women only group.

Mic: How about this one.

He pointed to another group costing off Awase, Kaibara, Rin and Yanagi.

Nezu: Hmm they are both very close to the west territory with all the heroes. I suggest going after Kamikir, Shoda, Tsuburaba and Bondo right there.

Izuku: Hmm... It is true that they are closer to the west border but they would also be easier to get rid of.

Nezu: That might be the case.

Izuku: However, I do not want to take the risk and being seen by the other heroes. We go with Nezu's suggestion.

Aizawa: Sounds solid. Do you have someone in mind or will you go and take them down yourself?

Izuku: No, I didn't intend to show myself yet.

Mic: Oh why not little listener?

Izuku: Because I am going after class 1A. I want to show them what I am really capable of since I am allowed to do that.

Nezu: Yes, yes you are and I do not want to see you holding back your knowledge or your physical abilities.

Aizawa: I agree on that one.

Izuku: Don't worry. I won't be doing that anymore. I am sick and tired of hiding my whole life. Besides Kacchan already has a hunch on what I am capable of.

Aizawa: He has?

Izuku: Well yeah.. he saw me snap hat him once.

Me: I believe that didn't go well.

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