War Day 1: Tricked!

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All Might's POV:

I was regretting my whole life choices the moment Nezu officially announced that that boy I took pity all these years was about to be our leader. He was a good for nothing boy that could do nothing besides cry. He was not worthy too keep my quirk and I deeply regretted the decision.

After he send me welcome Class1A and class 1B, I didn't care about what he said at all and after making one big entrance I was sure to not just let them go like that. No, I was currently on a hunt.

Where the heck are all these week kids?

I was running around with Vlad King tagging behind me like a loyal dog. However, I didn't mind that at all. He could be my shield and distraction if I need one.

I was about to go deeper into city if not for one thing. Someone just threw a sticky ball at me.

Me: Ohh Young Mineta. This was a rather bold move of you!

I looked at my shoulder where the sticky ball was currently on and quickly ripped it off my dear costume.

How dare such a pervert even come such an idea to do such a stupid thing!

Now look what you have done!

As I was ripping the ball away from my costume, it ripped a piece of it too.

Now I was angry and I was certainly ready to kill the little grape that would even dare to insult me. Like who does he think he was that he would attack me just like that!

I looked at his direction and began casually running straight at him. The perv screamed once he saw me running right at him and began running away too.

A hunt... If you really want one than so be it!

This will be quite fun.

As I was running after the grape, I began feeling like there was more to it since he always looked behind him. He looked more like he wanted me to follow him and on top of that I felt like there were eyes watching me.

Looking back, I saw that I had lost Vlad King at some point.

My brain and my past experience told me that something was wrong here. Something was very wrong. I could feel it. It was as if I was not hunting them but they were hunting me instead.

Once I felt put all the pieces in my mind together I stopped in track and began looking around and sure enough, there on one building was Midoriya. He was looking right at me and he had his scythe with him.

Looking around me I could also see Bakugo and I immediately knew what was going on.

They fucking teamed up?!


I didn't care about the rules one bit.

The moment I saw Izuku and how he looked at me, I immediately charged at him with everything I had. It took me exactly 3 seconds to get to him and he immediately dodged my punch furthermore he jumped away and began laughing at me.


Midoriya: You, you big ass bulky Orangutan! You really think you can keep up with me?

With that he jumped down and I began running after him. He was fast that I was giving him but not fast enough and so I managed to get right in front of the forest.

Me: There is no way you can run now!

Midoriya: I don't need to run.

We were both standing right in front of the forest. The completely jungle like forest was behind me and in front of me was only Izuku who was also getting ready for an attack.

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