War Day 3: Team up!

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3rd POV: (Observer room)

Gran Torino: Ahh what a nice day.

Mirko: To bad that this will be over soon.

Recovery Girl: I wouldn't be that sure.

Mirko: Why?

Gran Torino: The villains side is way to quiet.

Ragdoll: You think they still have a chance?

Mandalay: They still have Aizawa and Nezu.

Recovery Girl: I would watch Izuku Midoriya. He managed to beat Aizawa once.

Ragdoll: No way!

Thirteen: It's true. Wanna see the picture?

Ragdoll: YES!

Pixie-Bob: Wow I never knew that it was even possible to get him wrapped up in his own capture gear.

Tiger: That looks wild.

Mandalay: I wish I could have seen that happen.

time skip brought to you by Nezu playing dead in front of a tiger.

Tiger: a tiger?

Madalay: Were the animals not supposed to stay in the jungle?

Mirko: I thought so too. They never came out of the fall from this city.

Sir Nighteye: It is not something knew to know that cats are really curious.

Ragdoll: Curious, yes but petting a wild tiger.

Pixie-Bob: Mutated wild tiger.

Tiger: That is going a little bit too far.

Recovery Girl: I wonder why the tiger is acting that way towards Izuku.

Gran Torino: Who know.

Endeavor: Because both of them are a calamity that needs to be dealt with.

Recovery Girl: I sweat you have a death wish.

Endeavor: That tiger needs to be put down. We now have at least a chance to fight these creatures form hell.

Gran Torino: This island is their home. No one is gonna kill them.

Endeavor: They attacked the fucking city and the heroes saving the people once. What do you think will happen if they all start appearing in the city with the students there?

Mirko: Good point.

Recovery Girl: As you can see there is only a tiger in the city and that one is listening to Izuku!

Endeavor: And what if that fucking villain tells him to murder people?

Recovery Girl: You did not just call him a villain.

Endeavor: I did. What do you want to do now?

Recovery Girl: Oh I won't do a thing it's his turn now.

Endeavor: His?

Gran Torino: Aww thank you.

Just like that Gran Torino began tackling him and jumped kicking him for a whole 5 minutes until Endeavor fell to his knees. Next Recovery Girl went to his side, right in front of him.

Recovery Girl: You never learn do you?

And with that she made the finishing blow and hit him right in his no no zone making sure he would be unable to make any more Todoroki pawns to beat the number one.

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