Preparation Day 2: Training

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Today I was called to meet Aizawa in the teacher lounge. I was sure Power Loader told them all about what happened yesterday. It's either that or he was about to make one hell of a training session with me. Maybe even both. His last comment to me was that I wasn't training enough.

Well first of I can do a lot more than I show off and second I was and still am tired as heck. I still didn't eat anything else besides sugar and I was so close on just collapsing. I was dead tired, I couldn't sleep at all thanks to my messed up working schedule and now it was a habit.

I just arrived at the school and went straight to the teachers' lounge where he told me to go and meet him. Once I arrived, I knocked at the door.

Mic: Come in little listener!

Me: Sorry if I am bothering you all.

Mic: No, not at all little listener!

I could tell that he was careful when he was talking to me. Everyone was keeping a little distance from giving me some space. This was all I needed to see and I was not dumb. I immediately knew that Power Loader told them or that Nezu was watching over us though the security system.

I looked at his face and it annoyed me. He was careful and it was showing on his face it was not pity but it was close to it. Then I looked Midnight into her eyes, the same thing.

I don't need your pity!

I don't need anyones pity!

I don't need you all worrying about me!

This was all I needed to see before turning around and walk out of the room.

NOPE! I am not dealing with that shit!

After I exited the room, I began walking to the staircase and up to the roof. Once I was there, I went to the middle of it and laid down. I knew that if I were staying in this room, I would at some point explode. It was only a matter of time until I would do something stupid like throwing that dictionary right at him only that this time I would do something more disastrous.

I laid there and closed my eyes.


Why did they need to look at me like this?!


I closed my eyes and enjoyed the silent until I heard the door open and closing. There was also nearly no sound of footing which meant that it was Aizawa.


Me: I am sorry, I ran away... I just needed a moment for myself .... before I do something stupid.

The last part was only a whisper and I hoped that he didn't hear it but something told me he did anyways.

Aizawa: I understand kid.

I didn't opened my eyes to know that he sat down beside me. For the first time in my life, I was happy that he didn't ask anything. I appreciated the silence between us. After 10 minutes, I sat up and looked at him.

Me: Why did you call for me Aizawa-sensei?

Aizawa: I wanted to make a training session with you.

Me: Okay!

Aizawa: You ready to go, problem child?

Me: Yeah.

He stood up and helped me up and we both went to ground gamma. Once we entered he immediately took a fighting stance.

Aizawa: I want you to go full out on me kid. Show me what you can do!

Me: Yes, Sensei!

Even if he says this he doesn't want me to actually go full out does he?

I was somehow sure he didn't meant what he said and so I prepared myself too but in a sloppier way. He came straight at me and I began blocking his movements. Not everyone of course or I would break one of my rules. I let Aizawa-sensei punch me here and there and even wrap me up in his capture gear. This went on for an hour and I could feel my need for sugar.

Aizawa: Let's take a break. You are getting way to sloppy! Have you trained at all in the couple of days or weeks?

Me: I did, Sensei!

I went to my back and took out my bottle. I was about to take a sip when it all of the sudden was grabbed and pulled out of my hands.

Me: HUH?!

I looked around and saw Aizawa standing there. He then opened the lid of the bottle and smelled it.

Aizawa: Is this water?

Not pure but..

Me: Yes!

Aizawa: Midoriya, do I need to taste it?

Me: Nah, it's water! You can see that too right?

I looks like water, it smells like water with a little sweet touch then it is water. Never mind that sweet touch!

Against what I have hopped, he took a sip out of it and immediately went out of the gym, I quickly followed him and saw him dump the whole sweet nectar that kept me alive outside into the grass.

Aizawa: Midoriya, this isn't healthy and it is not helping you!

Me: And how do you know? You are a freaking coffee addict!

Did I say this aloud?

I saw his eyes widen for a moment. I never was rude to any of the teachers or my fellow students, I never talked back, and all I did was apologize!

Aizawa: Were you sloppy on purpose in our fight?

Me: No...

Calm down Izuku!

Calm down!

He just threw your holy grail away.... Easy nothing to it!

Aizawa: Are you sure, Midoriya?

Me: ...

Don't answer!

Don't fight!

Don't kill him for taking your holy grail away, Izuku!

Then in an instant Aizawa began charging at me or better to say he just threw his capture weapon right at me. My being too deep in thoughts trying to calm myself down, not realizing what just happened, I reacted accordingly to the situation.

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