War Day 5: Surprise attack! (1)

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I woke up in the villain's observation room. Yesterday I came on the boat very late and Dadzawa, my other dad Mic and my tiger Tiny immediately insisted that I should get some rest and so I slept there but today was a different story though. Today we had a lot to do after all.

Me: Morning everyone!

Villains Team: Morning!

Tiny: Roar!

Me: Is everyone ready for our last attack?

Villains Team: YEAH!

Me: Okay, Mei, Power Loader, Cementoss you will be with me. I want us to carper the boat. This means you will be in the control room. Cementoss please see that they will not be caught.

Cementoss: Yes, Sir!

Me: Aizawa, you go after the Wild Wild Pussycats. From what I have heard they were only here as observers because they wanted to see you beaten up by your own class.

Aizawa: HOHO! I will teach them a lesson of their own.

Me: Snipe, we have a wild white rabbit on the boat, see to it that the rabbit can't run anymore. Here take my guns. They are loaded and ready.

Snipe: YESSS! Ohh how I love these!

Me: Midnight, Mic both of you are going to go after the rest of the UA staff meaning Ectoplasm, Thirteen and Hound Dog.

Midnight: Uhh Hound Dog.

Mic: Let's scare the doggy!

Midnight: That's exactly my thought!

Me: Well have fun!

Me: Hawks, you are up against Vlad King and Sir Nighteye. I would love to teach them a lesson myself but I want them to know that the number 3 hero is more capable then the number 1. Both of them are worshipping All Might to the extreme. Go and let them know how capable you are.

Hawks: On it!

Me: As for me, I will face number 1 and number 2. Any question left?

Villains Team: No Sir!

Me: Great! Before we start the attack, I will be going with Cementoss team and announce my arrival. That will be your clue to go and find your targets. Mei, Power Loader please be so kind as to use the CCTV footage of the boat as to guide them to the target.


Just like that Me and a part of my team made our way to the control room. Thanks to Hawks I had the complete plan of the ship and it didn't take me long to memorize it early the morning. As we were walking Tiny was following me and since I knew exactly where we needed to go, it only took us around 5 minutes to get there.

Me: Tiny, get ready!

The moment I opened the door, I jumped to the side and let my tiger into the room.

Tiny: ROAR!

There were a couple of people in the room and the moment they saw me they were ready to use their quirk but the moment they saw the tiger they decided against it.

Me: This is a surprise attack of the villain's side. Please cooperate and step back from the control panels!

The employee of the ship immediately did what they were told since my tiger went closer to them fletching his teeth.

Me: Mei, Power Loader, your turn.

With that both of the support course members went to the controls and did their job while Cementoss began watching the door and the employee.

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