13. The Chariot

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You poured some of the tea into a little teacup as you took a sip of it, wondering what kind of tea it was exactly.

"Mmm! That's delicious!" You cried happily as you poured more of the tea into your tea cup once more. It wasn't long until you had drunk nearly half of the damn teapot, you just felt really thirsty for some reason.

Jotaro had also taken a sip from the tea as well, and seemed to like it like you did, but he had not been downing the whole thing like you were. It was then that your red headed partner had realized this.

He had then lifted the lid of off of the teapot, and placed it to the side of the pot to where it was still on there, but didn't actually cover the pot's opening. Both you, and Jotaro looked over to Kakyoin, wondering why he did that.

"You do this to show that you need more tea. It shouldn't take longer than a couple seconds to get a refill." He told the two of you as the waitress came over, and refilled the teapot in a quick manner, just as Kakyoin explained. 

"Along with that, you tap your finger to say thank you here in Hong Kong." He added as he tapped the wooden table with his finger a couple times as the waitress smiled. 

You've always known Noriaki to be highly informed, and very knowledgeable, so this wasn't new behavior for him, but it still fascinated you. Jotaro just nodded as he now understood.

"Say, could you help me out? My Chinese is a bit rusty, and I am having a hard time with the characters on the menu."  A tall man clad in a single strapped black tank, white pants, and a long, white flat top had asked kindly as he approached the table. He had introduced himself as a French tourist, and his accent proved it.

"You're annoying. Go away." Jotaro rudely told the French man as he looked with a hurt look. You nudged Jotaro with your elbow lightly. He then looked down at you with a stare that could kill as you smiled nervously. 

"Come now, Jotaro! Try to be nice to the man!" Mr. Joestar told with a warm heart as he turned over to the tourist. "I've been to Hong Kong many times before, and am pretty good with the language. What do you want to order?" The old man asked him as he looked down at the menu, and listed off some of the food before inviting him to sit with the group.

To you, the tourist was a little funny looking, but he looked like a genuinely nice man! You couldn't see how he could be bad or anything, so you were happy to have him at the table.

"Whatever." Jotaro scowled as he stared at the new comer. He had pulled a seat from another table to sit with the group as Mr. Joestar raised his hand to get the attention of a waiter.

"Hmm, I'll have this, and this, and maybe some of this. And oh yeah! We'll have some of that, and this too..." Jotaro's Grandfather went on, and on with all kinds of food as you, and the rest of the group sat, wondering what the hell he was ordering.

"Just what did you order Mr. Joestar?" Avdol's deep voice came as he asked the old man. He only smiled, keeping it a secret as you worried about whether you'd like the food or not.

"Hmm. Noriaki, just how did you know all that stuff about Hong Kong?" You turned over to him, wondering how he knew all that.

"My parents used to travel all the time before I was born, and told me about their trip to Hong Kong. I actually think it's pretty neat that such actions exist here, but aren't common back home." He told you as you nodded along.

The waiter then came back with many dishes. There were about four large plates that were then set on the table as you peered over the dishes. Looking back at Jotaro, and Kakyoin, you knew you were all feeling the same way about the food.

"This is beef, fish, clams, and frogs." Avdol told as he analyzed every dish. Your face grimaced, knowing you've never had any of this, but you'd at least give it a try.

"This isn't really what we wanted..." You, and the rest told Mr. Joestar as he shook his head.

"Doesn't matter what you order, it's all good!" Mr. Joestar said with a hearty grin as he grabbed a bowl, and began filling it up with various foods. The rest of the group then hesitantly grabbed some dishes, and began picking at the food

Kakyoin had grabbed a clam with a pair of chopsticks, and had taken a taste of it. After a couple seconds of tasting it, he came to the conclusion that he liked. "Wow, this is..." He stayed speechless as he savored the taste of the clam.

Avdol, and Jotaro took a taste of their own foods as they both came to the same conclusion Noriaki did. You looked as everyone enjoyed their foods as you looked down at your plate, hesitant to taste it.

Surely, if the tea was good, shouldn't the food be as well? You stuck with that knowledge as you took a bite out of whatever food you grabbed. Jotaro, and Kakyoin had looked at you, wondering if you felt the same. Even the tourist took a glance at you.

You eventually swallowed, and made up your mind. 

"This is fucking amazing!" You said happily as the group grinned at you. You didn't waste time scarfing down your food before the tourist made an interesting observation.

"The staff did take a bit serving the food. Like, look at the carrots." He plucked one carrot from one of the dishes and held it up as he analyzed the vegetable. "Why, they are shaped like stars. It reminds me of something."

It was then that the entire group stared at the tourist as they suspected him of something. Was it possible that he was making a reference to the Joestar birthmark Mr. Joestar had been telling you about!?

You entire body tensed up as you realized your group would be faced with another enemy. Such a cool dude he was too...

"You..." Noriaki started, daring to ask. "Are you another...?" 

The French man had started menacingly as he placed the star on the back of his neck, signaling that he was exactly what the group thought he was.

Not a second later, the table began to shake as you stood up in shock. A sword had pierced through the table, and made it's way through the dish that rested above it. 

"A stand user!" You cried out as Avdol called for Joseph to move out of the stand's way.

The stand was very shiny, and resembled a knight as it aimed it's sword towards Mr. Joestar. Luckily, Mr. Joestar was able to catch it with his gloved metal hand. 

Instinctively, Kakyoin and Jotaro stood in front of you, prepared to protect you as your eyebrows furrowed, wanting to see the action. They looked down at you with stern looks, but you justified yourself, reminding them that you too had a stand.

Avdol then called out Magician's Red, and sent a mass of flame towards the enemy stand, only for the stand to do something you never expected to happen.

The stand then used it's sword to catch the flame as it spun the sword. The flame had wrapped around the pointy sword as it deflected the attack, and sent the flame to a nearby table that was knocked over.

"His sword is so fast.." You choked out, wondering if Magician's Red would be able to overpower the enemy.

"My stand represents the chariot card.." He explained, relating his stand to another tarot card. "Silver Chariot!" He cried out, revealing the true name of his stand. "And Mohammed Avdol, it appears you wish to die first." He threatened, revealing that the flame had carved a clock into the table

"I've made a fire clock on that table. I'll kill you before the clock strikes twelve!!" He threatened as Avdol braced himself.

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