9. Wasn't That Hot

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Using the Kujo house phone, you called up your parents to let them know that you would be staying at a friend's house for the night. Mr. Joestar let you know that it'd be better for you to stay. You mother seemed happy that you surprisingly had a friend other than Noriaki, so she let you stay. After saying goodbye, you then shook as the events of today finally caught up to you.

You talked to someone other than Noriaki, it being the school delinquent every girl in the swoons over, you found out he had a stand like you, you skipped school with that same delinquent, he carried your best friend's nearly dead body, the delinquent then saved your best friends life, you met other people with stands, you kissed your best friend after what seemed like a century, and now you were staying the night at the house of someone you just met today.

After putting the phone back, you looked back to the kitchen table. All the dishes were gone? You looked over to the sink, poor Holly...You were too caught up with Noriaki that you forgot to come back soon to eat and clean up. You wondered what Holly did with your plate.

Suddenly, light footsteps made their way into the room. Since it was pretty dark right now, you looked back in fear. Whew... it was just Holly.

"Huh? (Y/N)! You were gone for so long, and I was afraid of your food getting cold so I wrapped it up for you so you could reheat it. If you don't like that, I could cook you up something right now if-" You stopped her before she could finished. She was too nice for her own good.

"No, that's completely fine! Thank you for saving it for me, I can just reheat it, no problem." You told, you couldn't bare to make her cook for you, even after you neglected to help wash the dishes. "Oh, and I'm really sorry I lost track of time and didn't come to help with the dishes,"

"Oh, don't worry! Jotaro helped me, so it was a piece of cake." Holly calmly spoke. You smiled as you imagined Jotaro in a pink apron washing dishes.

"M-Mr. Joestar told me to stay the night, so I just finished calling my mom, is that okay with you?" You asked, this was her house after all.

"Of course! You can sleep anywhere, I can get a futon out for you. " She agreed, turning to a cabinet and pulling out a soft sleeping mat. She walked up to you and handed it.

"T-Thank you so, so much," You replied. She was so pure, truly a kind woman.

"Now, if you don't mind," She yawned. "I'll be in my room, don't be afraid to wake me if you need anything." This lady was willing to be woken up for a girl she just met today? You just found it hard to believe that people could be so gentle.

"I don't think I will need anything tonight, but thank you for offering." You said before she gave you another smile and walked away to her bedroom.

You walked back to the kitchen to reheat your food. It was a little sad to eat alone, but it didn't matter too much. You popped your food in the microwave, and leaned against the counter, waiting. You almost felt like falling asleep when someone walked into the room. Not looking up, you just assumed it was Holly forgetting something.

"You're still here." That voice did not belong to Holly. You looked up to see the same green eyes Holly had, but this was not Holly. The large build told you so.

"Jotaro?" You spoke his name, sounding like a question. You did it more out of shock than anything. You took a closer look and saw that he didn't bare his large coat anymore. Instead, it was just his usual sleeveless shirt and pair of black sweats it seemed.

He looked at you for a long while before almost growling and then leaving to get whatever he came to get in the first place. You were freaked out a little, as if the other events today didn't freak you either.

Shaking it off, you get your food back out, setting it out on the counter after hissing in pain about how hot the plate was. You felt eyes glance at you before going away as soon as they came. You look at the red mark on your hand the plate left.

Sighing, you hold your burned hand close to your chest and you contemplate on risking burning your hand more just to carry it to the table or waiting a long while for it to cool. After a few seconds, you hear Jotaro place a cup down on the table. What was he brewing up?

You heard him then pull up a chair and take a seat. Alright, this is fine. You're just going to eat with Jotaro, alone, at night. But before you could actually sit down, you still had the hot plate situation.

"Well, aren't you going to sit down?" Jotaro asked, staring at you. You felt ashamed to say why you couldn't sit down.

"T-The plate is too hot." You nearly whispered out, expecting some sort of insult from him. Instead, he stood up and walked over until he was as close as he could be behind you. You bit your tongue at this new contact. "Jotaro?"

He didn't say anything and he grabbed both your hands and forced them to grab the still slightly hot plate. You quietly whimpered at the touch of the plate as it didn't help with your small burn. You wanted to remove you hands but Jotaro held them in place with his own hands. Why was he doing this?

Then, he guides your hands so that you picked up the plate. He did this until you got to the table and finally placed the warm plate down. You thought that then he would let you go, but he stayed for a moment. You were stumped as you felt his chest rise and fall close against your back. You didn't speak up, but then he suddenly let go and walked back to his own chair. You watched him in the process.

"It wasn't that hot if you're still holding onto it." Jotaro stated, looking at your hands, knuckles white from gripping onto the plate still. Realizing you were still holding on, you quickly let go, letting your arms fall to your sides.

"Yes, it...wasn't that hot." You spoke, not having the will to think of a better response. It was dead silent for next few minutes. And it was dead silent the whole night as you ate with Jotaro.

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