3. Jotaro Kujo

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The fog was light, but noticeable. It's a little cold today, your legs could tell you that thanks to your skirt.

Walking to school again, like every other day. The action made you think of yesterday. Maybe Jotaro really went to jail. You don't know. And you shouldn't really care.

Walking along the brick pavement, you spot the crowd of girls again. Yikes. Something was different about today though. What was it? Oh nothing but a six foot tall man being stalked by the girls.

Huh. Guess he didn't go to jail. Or got bailed out. At least it was something interesting to think about. You went a little early this morning, so you aren't in much of a rush today. You took your time behind the girls. Plus, they might get aggressive if I so much as breathe within two feet of Jotaro.

"Oh JoJo, I'm so happy you're back! I missed you..." A girl cried as she jumped up and wrapped her arm around his. You couldn't imagine being that thirsty. Speaking of thirsty, you throat was dry as shit right now.

Jotaro glares back down at her. He couldn't give two shits to speak. Despite that, the girl blushes anyway. How dense could you-

"Hey! Who do you think you are, grabbing up to JoJo like that?!" A girl with a silly hairdo pushed the other girl away. They quickly start arguing up a storm.

You never really took the time to notice, but you wondered how Jotaro experienced this everyday. You hated to admit it, but you felt just a bit of sympathy, but you tried brushing it off.

"Yare yare..." Jotaro speaks to himself as the girls glare at each other. Don't tell me they're going to...





"Ugly! No-Boobs! Ugly! No-Boobs! Ugly! No-Boobs! Ugly! No-Boobs! Ugly! No-Boobs! Ugly! No-Boobs! Ugly! No-Boobs! Ugl-"

"SHUT UP! YOU'RE DAMN ANNOYING!" Jotaro snapped, loud as hell mind you, at the girl. Like the mindless fangirls they are, they gush at his remarks and squeal in joy.

Well, that was something. Now that it's over, quickly turn for a shortcut to the school. Those stairs kind of scared a little bit if you were being honest, so you never took them.

Sighing, you drag your book bag as you take in the scenery. Oh to walk with Noriaki again...

"What are you two freaks doing?" A student snorted at you with his posse.

"We're just walking, you know?" You grinned at them squeezing Noriaki's hand. He squeezed back looking down, flustered, with a shy smile. When the two of you were together, you couldn't give a shit about anything else. It seemed as though you've never felt the same connection with anyone like Noriaki.

You were blushing to yourself, knowing it was stupid to still think of him. Those thoughts weren't too healthy it seemed, but you couldn't help it sometimes.

You snapped back into reality as not a second later, you see Jotaro and- His leg is cut?!? He stumbles because of it and you freeze in place. He reaches for a tree branch to break his fall only to realize its too far away. Preparing for the worst, you bite your tongue. But...a purple hand grabs the branch? How could he have-



...Fuck it, you have to check this out.

Not taking a second breath, you sprint over to Jotaro as he lays slightly puzzled on what happened. As you got closer, you saw how bad it was. You crouch down next to him, and pull a handkerchief out of your skirt pocket, and dab his bloody cut. It wiped off most of the blood but didn't stop it.

"What are you-" Jotaro begins before the wolf pack start running down the stairs, screaming like all hell.

"JOJO! Are you okay?"

"Oh no! JoJo fell so far down!!"

"Hey! Who's that girl?!"

You bite your tongue again as you hear the girls get closer. Looking back up at Jotaro with amazement, it quickly turns to irritation as the girls reach the last few steps. Looking at them, you get up and accidentally drop you handkerchief.

Hearing them as well, Jotaro gets up, quickly checks his pockets to make sure everything's there, and walks off like nothing happened.

He walks away, only to stumble a little in front of the steps. The girls all rush to his aid. You scoff. Maybe it isn't today, but you will find out about Jotaro. Deciding that, you waltz off happily with your book bag. More happy than you've been in a while.

"Here. Your leg seems to be cut."

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