14. The Duel

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Avdol smiles to himself as Frenchie over here threatened to kill his ass.

Jotaro, Noriaki, Mr. Joestar, and you all sat by the sidelines as you cheered Avdol on. Of course, you, and the others could have stepped in to help, and fight, but ya know...It's not our problem.

"Your sword is terrifyingly fast," Avdol opened his mouth to speak as he admired Silver Chariot's speed. "It's amazing, but do you really think you'll defeat me by the time the flames on the clock strike twelve?" 

"Whoooo! GO Avdol, you can beat his french ass!!!" You cheered as Jotaro stared down you with an annoyed look. Damn, have you really grown from being a quiet girl to being an obnoxious fuck? Suppose Kakyoin, a stand user, made you act silly, and like yourself. Now imagine that with THREE more stand users?

"Damn, you really are fucking annoying." Jotaro grimaced as he did his little edgy thing, and pulled his hat down.

You gave Jotaro an angry look before your attention went back to the feud the Frenchman, and the Egyptian were having.

"Aren't you being rather conceited, Mister...?" Avdol stopped because the tourist never introduced himself.

"Polnareff." He said with a smile. "Allow me to introduce myself. Jean Pierre Polnareff." He finished as you now knew the name of the thick French fucker.

"Merci beaucoup. I appreciate your introduction, but..." With the swing of his finger, the table that the clock was burned on then jumped up, and crashed from the flames. An 'O' made its way onto your face as you admired Avdol's abilities.

"Monsieur Polnareff. don't assume that my flames will always burn upward or downward as they would in nature." He told Polnareff off. "It is called Magician's Red because it controls flames freely." Damn, Avdol's stand was cool as shit! You wonder if you had any other hidden abilities that Nut had been hiding from you...

Polnareff then responded to Avdol, speaking about how he expected Avdol to be as powerful as he was. "But you say I'm being conceited?" He stopped to question his own words. "You're saying that my swordsmanship is mere conceit!?" It was then that Polnareff had gotten angered, and tossed some coins in the air as you stood confused.

"What are the coins for!?" You cried, wondering what Polnareff was planning. 

"Mm, you will see, mon amour~" He said with a smirk, and a wink as he swung his sword, and caught every coin on Silver Chariot's sword. A light blush grew to your cheeks as even though he was your enemy, he had still been flirting with you. You had become too flustered, and confused to make a comeback as Jotaro, and Noriaki's angry stares didn't falter.

"In the moment they lined up, he pierced all the coins in a single strike!" Mr. Joestar yelled out, realizing Polnareff was not playing around like he would later in the story.

"No. Take a closer look." Jotaro mentioned over to his grandfather as he noticed something about the coins. Silver Chariot having pierced all the coins at once was fascinating as is, but piercing multiple flames, perfectly in between each coin was something even more!

"I see...There are flames between each coin..." Avdol realized, and became slightly worried.

"It appears you understand what this means." Polnareff stood straight, and spoke to Avdol directly. "It is not conceit. My stand has the power to sever even fire!" He bragged as he held the sword that pierced the flames, and the coins out. He even let out a little laugh after.

"Mr. Joestar, can Avdol really handle this?" You stepped over to Mr. Joestar, and whispered to him, worried for Avdol's well being.

"I have known him for a while now, and I know he can handle this. Don't you worry now, little missy." Mr. Joestar comforted you, albeit with a bit of embarrassing nickname.

"It can slash the very air, and create gaps between nothingness, and nothingness." He bragged even more, and you got to say it, this Polnareff guy was cocky as hell. "...Which means your Magician's Red is powerless before my Silver Chariot." He added before Silver Chariot had tosses the coins off of his swords, and chopped them in mid air, before seemingly vanished.

In an instant, Polnareff was across the room as Avdol, and the rest were left to wonder how the fuck he did that.

"When did he..." Avdol spoke out in a quiet tone.

Polnareff had been facing away from the group, and had one hand leaning on the wall. "The card that my stand has, The Chariot, suggests conquest, and victory." He turned back a little more to threaten the group for like the eight billionth time. "I don't mind taking care of you all in this cramped little space, but, Avdol, you'd be able to use your flame abilties in a much more open space, no?" Just as easy as you got annoyed by him, you were quickly interested in him again as he, an enemy, had even offered Avdol to fight outside. Surely as a regular man without his obedience to DIO, he would really be an awesome guy to be around...

"It would be fitting for my stand to defeat you under those circumstances. A fitting victory." Boy, was this hot ass man chivalrous as hell. And you loved it as you stared at him with awe while Noriaki nudged you.

"...Eh what?" You looked up at him with a confused look.

"He's the enemy here, Y/N." He reminded you as you didn't say much, and looked back at Polnareff. Really, Noriaki didn't just nudge you to remind you that Polnareff was the enemy, but simply to distract you. You gave him a teasing smirk as you carried on with admiring the French man, leaving Noraki to facepalm.

It was then that Polnareff order the whole group outside.

"Wh-What is this place?!" Mr. Joestar exclaimed, gazing over the strange sculptures, and objects.

"This is Tiger Balm Garden." Kakyoin spoke as a matter of factly as you "Ooo-ed" at him.

You, and the group then made it up the stairs as Polnareff led. You didn't waste time admiring all the strange decorations as you went up.

Polnareff then stopped, and stood for a moment. "I will make a prediction." He started, eventually turning around. "You will be destroyed by your own stand's powers." He told confidently.

"Oh fuck.." You cursed out before you brought the attention of Polnareff.

"Say, I have another prediction as well." He smirked at you again as you gulped. "A prediction that you little friend here will slowly, but surely fall in love with yours truly!" He told with a cocky as your face heated up with embarrassment, and anger.

Jotaro was fed up with Polnareff, and dared to intervene before Avdol held him back. "Avdol..." He cursed out, ticked off that he held him back, but Avdol had just told him he would handle it on his own.

"With such an open place, I can control my stand as freely as I please." Avdol told him back, demonstrating his stand's abilities once more. Man, were you on the edge of your seat! You felt like you could be eating popcorn, much to Jotaro's annoyance.

"Hora!" A cry was heard as the fight begun, and Silver Chariot attacked first...

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