5. Mrs. Kujo

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You quickly grabbed whatever books you need for first hour. You stuck your book bag into your locker and ran off to physics.

This class was always the worst, but at least you got it done in the morning and didn't have to worry about it later. You yawned as you filled out your notes. Your thoughts turned back to this morning.

"You know him?"

I wish I did. It felt like I never met him before after that. You partially wondered what classes Kakyoin would have since he apparently goes back here now. You have Jotaro this period, you never once dared to talk to him on the days he occasionally came. In fact, today was the first time you've ever spoken to Jotaro. Now that you realize it, he spoke to you, not the other way around. How stupid...

You finish jotting down notes before doodling in the margins, a small scribble of Nut and Noriaki's Hierophant Green...
Holy fuck, your emotions really fucked you up. Staring at the small drawing, the bell suddenly rings.

You start gathering your items when, wait. That doesn't sound like the usual bell.


Through the windows, you see smoke litter the hallways. The fire alarm goes off and the teachers scream about a gas explosion or something.


Teachers warn kids not to leave the classrooms as they all investigate the cause of the explosion. Wow I can't wait to die of carbon monoxide poisoning.

You rest your head on the desk, preparing for you death because honestly, is there any reason to continue after this morning.

A series of knocks come from the window leading to the outside. It's...Jotaro.

You pick your head in confusion. He slides the window open and signals for you to come out. The class all notices this, the girls especially. "C'mon," He starts. "Let's get going."

Sighing, I think of the outcomes of this decision. Oh, fuck it. If I don't die here, Jotaro can kill me when I so much as look at him wrong. I slide out the window, landing on the grass on my ass. That hurt like shit.

"Stop fucking staring, it's damn annoying." Jotaro snaps at the people in the classroom before quickly reaching his hand out to me. "Get your ass up." He emotionlessly says. And you know what my bitch ass did? I grabbed his hand, and got my ass up.

He then walks off, coat swinging dramatically in the process. I quickly follow. Once we go around the corner-Noriaki's unconscious body rests on the grass.

My eyes go wide. "D-Did you-"

"No, I didn't kill him, dumbass." He answers before I could finish. I quickly shut my mouth as he lifts Noriaki's body without much effort over his shoulder. How fucking strong is this guy? Then again, he has a stand as well...

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Noriaki almost yells at me to get my attention.

"Huh? What do you want, buster!?" I jokingly say, stretching across his bed to look at whatever he's doing while I'm up slide down.

"So apparently, our ghost people are called stands..." He reads off the book. "They're an entity physically generated by the owner and they're made of our life energy." He finishes.

"Oh, so that's what they're called!" I get up to sit up right and call out Nut sometimes. It might've been a silly name but she reminded me of an Egyptian goddess I once read about who controlled the Sky. She comes in a criss cross apple sauce position, like I was right now. "Hello, my fellow stand, Nut!" She nods at me.

Noriaki smiles at me and summons his Hierophant Green. Nut notices Hierophant Green and then they hugged each other, eventually they started nuzzling each other? Hierophant Green had his mouth covered so what were they-

Noriaki hugs, and kisses me, just as our Stands were doing. They weren't nuzzling, they were kissing! I smile into the kiss.

My thoughts fade away as I look at the lifeless body Jotaro carried over his shoulder. Amazing to think that my best friend and school sweet heart was passed out on the fan favorite school delinquent's shoulder.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

After what seemed like hours of walking, though it was probably minutes, you finally brought up the courage to ask him about his stand. You just didn't know how to ask him.

"U-Uh...Jotaro," You called out.

He grunted in response. So he was listening!

"I saw you grab that branch earlier, so y-you have..." You gulped.

"I have a stand, yes." He interrupted. "And I'm assuming you do too since you saw mine."

"Ah! Yeah, I do." You finished. You have nothing else to talk about. You thought about talking more about your stand or asking him about his, but it just never happened. You soon had just assumed Jotaro was going to his house or something.

"What's between you and Kakyoin." Jotaro surprisingly broke the silence. His question seemed more of a statement however...

"I don't even know anymore," You thought. "We were really close in elementary and junior high,"

"Hmph." He grunted once more.

"Then he moved away, and I stayed." You finished. Was that really it? You thought it might've been more eventful, but maybe not.

Jotaro didn't make any form of response this time. In fact, he just stood in front of a spacious house. There was a fence but beyond it was really beautiful. You had assumed his mother had been the reason.

You follow Jotaro into the gate and you spot the front door wide open. Huh? Upon closer inspection, a woman stood inside.

"Oh, Jotaro must be thinking about me right now!" She exclaimed as she held a picture frame close to her. Jotaro stopped by the entrance.

"Hey," Jotaro greeted, scaring his poor mother. She quickly calmed down when she saw Jotaro and uhh... an unconscious body.

"Jotaro! You're supposed to be in school! And what are you doing with that boy, don't tell me you-" Jotaro interrupted, again.

"He's my friend. He took a nasty fall and I'm just taking care of him." Jotaro said, suppose it was true?

"Oh! That's just fine!" She smiled so brightly I think it's blinded me. "Oh, and Jotaro, who's your other little friend here? She's a cutie!"

Even if it was Jotaro's mom, you were still blushing. "Ahaha, t-thank you, Mrs Kujo!" You said, scratching the back of your neck.

"This is (Y/N). She's friends with Kakyoin." Jotaro introduces, pointing to the limp body.

"Oh you must care for him," She started, getting closer and cupping your cheek. You just smiled nervously. "And before I forget, please, just call me Holly!" She grinned. I guess I'll call her that now?

"C'mon (Y/N)." Jotaro pushes you lightly in the direction to your distaste. "Hey, you okay?" He added on. Was he talking to his mom?

"Huh? Yay! Fine! Thank you!!" Mrs Kujo cheered. She was such a lovely woman...

You quickly followed Jotaro down the hall to whatever room he was taking you and Noriaki to. You hoped he knew what he was doing.

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