12. Tower of Gray

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After the long while Noriaki and you took to pack(really it was just y'all doing nothing for shits and giggles), you two made it back to the Kujo residence to spot a car. Is this how you leaving? How you might never step foot in Japan again? How you could have everyone you knew die? Err, you though that was little intense...

"Good, you're back," Mr. Joestar spoke, leaving the trunk open for you two to drop the luggage. You set yours down and Noriaki did his. "What took so long? You can't use up all the time in the world," He added.

"I um..." You struggled to think of an excuse.

"Yeah, we uh..." Noriaki tried to help, but don't think it did...

Mr. Joestar waited for a answer before a grin started forming onto his face. That grin soon becoming a hearty laugh. Your body grew still as you wondered what Mr. Joestar was laughing about. 

"Don't worry- Its fine if you two were making out, just get in the van already," He barked as he pointed to the van with crouched over form from the laughing that erupted from him. You awkwardly giggled trying to make fun of it, so that you didn't look flustered. After lightly elbowing Noriaki, you all burst in fits of laughter.

Avdol and Jotaro soon walked up, Jotaro seeming annoyed at the laughter. Avdol just smiled. As soon as the laughter calmed down, you two went to the back seat of the car, before you realized- who's sitting in the middle? You clearly did not want to as you preferred the cool wind against your face. Maybe the front seat?

"Now that everyone is ready and the SpeedWagon Foundation has come to assist Holly, we're ready to go. Avdol and me are in the front, the rest in the back." Mr. Joestar stated. Great...

You were about to enter the car, secretly hoping for a window seat until Jotaro grabbed your shoulder. He gave another glare before telling you that you should sit in the middle since you were smallest. You  nervously agreed, angry inside. Well, this is only the beginning...maybe your luck in seat arrangements will come.

You smiled as Noriaki sat at the far right, as least you sat with him in the back. You got in, and quickly fastened your belt before Jotaro came in as well, forcing you to lean more towards Noriaki. You were fine with that...for now.

The trip to the airport wasn't too long, so that relieved you. But nearly every turn you took to the left forced your body to lean into Jotaro's. He didn't seem to care but you found it a little less than desirable.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You were in the actual plane a lot sooner than you thought. But a plane to Egypt would not be a quick one as the sky outside naturally turned into a deep, starry sky. It was quite pretty and you were glad to have the window seat this time, even if you sat alone. Along with the dark, there came a dark atmosphere. Nearly everyone in the plane had been asleep except for you. It felt a little eerie and anything could happen and you'd be the first to be alerted.

"He saw us." You stood up to Mr. Joestar, leaning on his chair. He noticed you but he didn't look. Jotaro also woke up at this. "I definitely felt Dio looking at us right now," What?!? That got you on your feet as you prepared for anything. "The next stand user might be on this plane," You cried inside as you realized how often you were going to stumble upon these users.

You soon started to hear a faint buzz, Jotaro and Mr. Joestar heard this too as they started looking. It wasn't surprising to have a bug in the plane but with what Mr. Joseph just said, you feared it was more than a regular beetle.

Avdol and Noriaki woke up as well as the buzzing grew stronger until you spotted it directed across from you. "A...A rhinoceros beetle?" Jotaro questioned, standing up as well.

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