11. Why I Want To Go

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Thanks to Hermit Purple, Mr. Joestar has been able to conjure up a photo of the infamous Dio. It was the only clue we had to locating his whereabouts, and was it such a fuckboy pose.

Noriaki now had the strength to walk around and such, so the room consisted of
Avdol, Jotaro, Mr. Joestar, Noriaki and You. Holly had been resting. Jotaro took a long observation at the polaroid before realizing that there was a fly in the background. A fly?! Those fuckers are everywhere! It seemed as though the search was going was take forever.

"Wait," Avdol spoke out. Everyone beside Jotaro couldn't see the fly because Jotaro had been using his stand to look more intently. "Could you tell us how this fly looks like?" It probably just looked like a regular fly, could any other fly look so different?

Nodding, Jotaro got out a small notepad and pencil. Using Star Platinum, he sketched out an exact replica of the fly. It was cool that he could do that, but you didn't know if it was so helpful. Whatever Avdol was thinking of, you weren't sure.

"Jojo, do you have a library?" Avdol asked as Jotaro nodded.

Avdol then takes the intricate drawing and walks away. Is he really going to search every book for wherever that fly could reside? Sighing, you just rest your head onto Noriaki's shoulder. This was going to be a while.

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Getting tired of waiting, Jotaro gets up and leaves the room. You look up watch him leave. "Hm?" You hum out as you contemplated hoping him. Deciding the latter, you get up to follow him. Noriaki, Holly, and Mr. Joestar remain.

You watched Jotaro turn the corner and you followed in pursuit. You felt a little awkward as you remembered your encounter with him yesterday. He just wanted you to hurry up and eat, that was all.

"J-Jotaro!" You nearly shouted so you could catch up. He stopped to give you a small glance as he looked back. He quickly  turned back around as you caught up. Hopefully the library was close as Jotaro's house seemed to be a maze of sorts.

The library was actually closer than expected and Jotaro and you entered as you saw Avdol flipping through several encyclopedias. You let your mouth hand at the shelfs of countless book. Who even has an entire library this big in their house? Jotaro apparently...

"Tch, here!" Avdol exclaim. No way... he actually found where that fly was from?? Avdol proved his point as Jotaro and I walked up to him to examine the fly. They did look identical, but this fly was...from Egypt?!? That was so far!!

Advol, Jotaro and you soon walked back to the room. You figure Noriaki was the only other individual that was in Egypt, so you figured on asking him.

"You recognize this?" You gave Noriaki the book. He read off of it for a bit before coming to a conclusion.

"Yes, it says here that it was in the south, and I remembered my family visiting Cairo." He nodded. So Dio has been residing in Egypt.

"Alrighty then, off to Egypt we go. Jotaro, Avdol, get your bags ready." Mr. Joestar exclaimed as he returned to his own bag of clothing, mostly untouched. Avdol did the same, since his was in the same room.

Your shoulders sank. You wanted to go too, you couldn't just let Dio get away with harming Holly and Noriaki! You walked up to Mr. Joestar and Avdol. Jotaro stopped as he nearly left the room.

"I...I want to go." You spoke out. You didn't want to get no for an answer, but you worried that Mr. Joestar wouldn't let you. Suddenly, you felt Noriaki come up behind you and grab your shoulder.

"I do too." He added, looking down at you with a smirk. You grinned like a child back at him. "Jojo's mother, Mrs. Holly, is a woman who can calm the hearts of others."

You grew happy as you had the same reason for going to Egypt. You nodded along with Noriaki, "I have the same reasons. People feel at ease when she's nearby. I think she should be protected." You added on to what Noriaki might've said.

"Plus, this may sound awkward, but if I were to fall in love, I'd like it to be with someone like her." He spoke out as he looked at you. Were you like Holly? You didn't find yourself to be as pure as she was, so this left you baffled, but still really flustered.

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You, and Noriaki left to go sort your items while Jotaro and Mr. Joestar tended to Holly. You were happy to see her up, but you hurt you to her try to hide how ill she felt. She always put someone's else's problems above her own but her health was top priority.

You walked with Noriaki back to the entrance of the Kujo residence. You remembered how you helped Jotaro take Noriaki's shoes off when you first walked in yesterday. Noriaki was probably thinking of the same thing as he saw all of our shoes neatly set near the door.

"Jotaro and I took them off for you," You explained, with a giggle as you slid your pumps back on.

"O-oh really?" Noriaki's cheeks flushed.

"Yeah, I mean, we kinda had to since you were uhh.." You replied, struggling to think of a good word.

"Pretty much dead?"

"No! You were unconscious, haha." You finished.

You two got your shoes back on, and you grabbed your book bag off of the wall hooks. "So...where do you live now?" You asked, surely he didn't move back into the same house?

"Same place I lived two years ago," He said with a snarky smirk. You furrowed you're eyebrows at him.

"Really? All those moving trucks were because of you?!" You were a little mad knowing that someone moved in near you, but you didn't expect it to be Noriaki coming back after two years. You also felt glad that you didn't know it was Noriaki because of you went over, you would get the brainwash Noriaki and you did not want to experience that again.

He nodded with a wholesome laugh. You punched him softly. "Guessing you still live in the same old house?" Noriaki asked.

"Yup, same old haunted house," You two would either hang out at his house or your house. Whenever you hung out at your house, you would take turns looking for the others stand in the basement as one of you joked around and flicked the light switch off. That was scary as shit now that you think of it.

You finally came to the fork in the road as your house resides to left and Noriaki's to the right. "Hey, want to help me pack?" Noriaki asked.

"Hell yeah! I'm going to pick the prettiest dresses for you!" You jokingly exclaimed. This got him a flustered and a little ticked off.

"Oh yeah? When we go to your house, I'm going to pack nothing but ... Uh lingerie for you!" He snapped back, struggling to think of a word. He immediately grew even more red at what he just said.

You expected to laugh it off, but you found yourself heating up in the face. "S-Shut up! I don't even own those type of clothes!" You barked, you were pretty embarrassed but you were the one who started this.

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