6. Revival

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Jotaro slides the door open to reveal a man in his older years, and another with baggy clothing and even if he seemed a little menacing, he had a kind face.

You follow Jotaro in as he lays Noriaki's body down on a gentle mat. You look at his still face, you shutter, knowing he was still alive, but you couldn't help but think-

"He'll be dead in a matter of days," The old man states, looking at Noriaki's forehead. You felt you legs get weak, and nearly stumbled before Jotaro caught you.

"Careful." He told you with a strict glare, and then stood you back up. You gulped, how were you supposed to react. You were in a room with two complete strangers, a scary delinquent you've only met today, and your nearly dead best friend.

"Jotaro," the old man called. "It's not your fault," He finished. You found it hard to notice that no one asked who you were, but that was the least of your worries.

"The reason that this man swore to Dio, and came to kill you, is right here!" He shouted, pulling Noriaki's red hair up to show a disturbing sight. Your eyes widened. How could Noriaki want to kill Jotaro?!

Suddenly, you came back to your senses and stopped being a stumbling mess. You sat down next to Jotaro and Noriaki's legs. If that bud thing on his head made him want to commit such atrocities, then maybe he didn't mean to ignore you. You shut your eyes in anger that he was being forcibly controlled. You swore that you'd get revenge on whoever did this to Noriaki...

Jotaro and the old man bicker about the bud, noting that someone named Dio was the cause of this, that Noriaki swore loyalty to him, and how dangerous it would be to try to remove the bud. You gripped your head in frustration.

"Jojo," The man in red called Jotaro and you, but he didn't stop there. He looked over to you, waiting for something.

"(Y/N)." You finally realized he wanted your name. You weren't too sure on who this "Dio" was but you already hated him so. You would learn about him later, but right now, you weren't leaving this room.

"Just call me Avdol. " The man introduced. He then told a story about his own encounter with Dio in Cairo. You shuttered as Avdol explained how terrifying he could be, just with his persuasive words alone. You were glad about Avdol escaping, even if he wasn't brave about it, he knew it was Dio, and he had the ability to resist him. Something you were sad Noriaki couldn't have done. He then spoke about what could've happened had he not known what was happening

The old man then continued on about how if Avdol was not here, he would've  had his brain devoured by the flesh bud. He would have died. Fierce bolts of fear shot through you as you look down at Noriaki's face, fearing that the same could happen to him. You regretted ever having negative thoughts about him...

"Died?" Jotaro butted in. "Just a minute...Kakyoin here, isn't dead yet!" He shouted, shooting his arm outward, above your head, to call out his stand. What was he-

Jotaro crouched down to Noriaki's face. Holding it still with his own hands, the hand of his stand leaned in to attempt to pull the flesh bud out. This was your first time fully seeing his stand out in the open, but before you could take in what was happening, the old man started shouting.

"Wait, Jotaro!" You cried out as you nearly jumped up to get closer. Knowing it might hurt Noriaki for the bud to be pulled out, you panicked.

"Stand back! I can pull it out without doing any damage." Jotaro shouted back. "My stand has the precision to grab a moving bullet." That was his ability? That's really neat! Much better than your main ability that just included creating illusions.

In this moment, you figured putting your trust in Jotaro was the best decision at this point.

Avdol and the old man started shouting as Jotaro pinched the bud. You stood to the right of Jotaro, grimacing as a tentacle shot out of the bud. It got even worse as the tentacle attached itself to Jotaro and started coursing under his skin. You felt your skin tingle with goosebumps.

Resisting the urge to faint, you stared, body quivering as he pulled the bud more out of Noriaki's skin. His eyes suddenly flew open! Maybe this operation will be successful.

"(Y/N)?" Noriaki choked out as his purple orbs neared yours.

"Stay still, Noriaki." You finally spat out, taking the words out of Jotaro's mouth. Jotaro continued pulling the hellish bud out, he couldn't be distracted for anything.

You figured this was the most important you could do in this situation- You crouched down to Noriaki's level, and smiled at him.

"Get away girl!" The old man shouted at you, but you stayed, trying to keep him calm, so that he wouldn't worry, or move. You knew it worked when he looked back at you with tired eyes and a warm smile, even in this bizarre moment.

Jotaro looked at you for a split second, but in the next, he inched the bud out more as the tentacle started up his neck. Avdol yelled out for him to fucking stop but the old man stopped him.

You were somewhat shocked that Jotaro could keep his cool so well, especially here. Then again, you would still be panicking had it not been for you finally seeing the real Noriaki.

Suddenly, the bud finally pops out and is ripped out of Jotaro's hand by his stand, it then rips the bud apart causing it to fly towards the old man in which he hits it, immediately disintegrating it. You didn't bother to question it as Noriaki was front of you for the first time in two years.

Your eyes started to trickle with tears as you cried out. "Oh, Noriaki!" You fell onto his chest, wrapping your arms around him. You probably shouldn't have done that as he hissed in pain, but immediately wrapped his own arms around your frail body.

"Get off of him." Jotaro snapped out, facing away from the two of you. You questioned his motives before realizing it was the best for Noriaki's health. Treasuring one more second with him, you sat back up on your knees, still remaining close to Noriaki, eyes glued to each other like you haven't met in forever. Which, is pretty much what happened.

"Yare yare..." Jotaro pulled his hat down and brooded. You rolled your eyes with a tiny giggle before realizing you should fix up Noriaki. Alas, you had nothing with you so off to Holly you went!

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