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Jane's pov

After lunch me and will went to y/n's house to see if shes there.

"How many I help you?" A nice young looking woman answered the door. "Is y/n in? Were one of her friends?" She makes a 'o' shape with her mouth. "Shes in the forest just over there, you wont miss her" we both nodded and thanked her and ran to the forest to find her.

2 minutes later

Y/n's pov

I was laying down on the grass making leaves and flowers dance around above me until I here someone yell my name.

"Y/n! Over here!" I sit up and look to where I hear the yelling and see will and jane, making me smile and wave them over.

They come running over and sit down. "Hey guys! Why did it take you so long to come home?" I see will slightly blush but I ignore it. "Will was daydreaming about god knows what" we all laugh making will go really red and cover his face. "Awe dont be embarrassed!" I giggle making him laugh a little aswell making me smile.

~hes so pretty~

I think but I think I must of been thinking that a bit to much as I can feel someone lightly tapping my shoulder. "Y/nnnn you there?" Will sings making all three of us laugh.


~I really lo- no i really like him. Not sure why i would think i love him!~

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