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Will's pov

I'm so lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend like y/n now. (Talking about you lovely people reading😌🌻❤💞)

"Hey wanna go home and tell your mum?" She asked looking up at me from my lap that shes layed on. "Yeah that sounds nice" she smiles and sits up kissing my cheek and helps me up.

At wills house

I walk in and instantly smell the sent of baked cookies and it smelled like heaven on earth. (Besides y/n)

"Oh hey guys want some cookies?" My mum comes out the kitchen smiling. "Yeah sure, also can I talk to you about something while were eating?" She nods and walks into the living room with the tray.

We sit down on the couch. "So what's going on?" She notices us sitting close and makes a confused but happy look.

"Me and y/n are together" she jumps up and squeals and pulls us both into a tight hug.

"Oh my god my baby has a girlfriend!" We all laugh.

"What's going on?" I turn around and see el standing there with a confused face. "Will has a girl and its y/n!" El smiles gently and brings me into a small hug and congrats me on getting a girlfriend.

"I'm proud of you will"

Sorry its short


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