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Mike's POV

Ever since will and el had moved I have been missing them both badly. Not just el but I miss my best friend too.

"Mum, can I ask you something?" I walk into the room lightly rubbing my arm. "Course what's wrong darling?" She smiles sweetly at me. "Do you think I could go up and see will and el for the week?" She nods her head quickly. "Of course, I'll go ask nancy if she wants to see Jonathan" I nod and run to the basement.

Wills pov

I miss Mike, I miss max, I miss dustin, and I miss lucas, I miss all my friends alot and I really want them to come over.

"El are you using the phone?" I shout from my room. "No do you want to phone mike?" She shouts back. "No I'm just gonna phone y/n" she gently smiles and nods.

5 minutes later~

I hear someone knock on the door and I run down the stairs just beating my mum. "Whoa will careful who is it?" She laughs. I swing the door open and find y/n standing there with her rosy red cheeks smiling at me. I turn to my mum quickly to see her smiling at me. "can I talk to you about something for a little?" I ask her making her nod so I put on my shoes and bring my jacket and walk out the door saying bye to my mum and shutting the door.

It's been about 5 minutes of silence and I'm getting uncomfortable.

"So what did you want to talk about?" She finally breaks the silence making me smile. "oh yeah, um this might sound weird but do you miss anyone?" She smiles gently at me. "Yes, I do my cousin who used to live around the area had moved about 5 months ago and its affecting me a bit, do you miss your friends back home?" I nod and she smiles sympathetically. "I'm sorry will how long has it been?" "About 2 months now. (I KNOW IT DOESN'T SEEM LIKE IT BUT ITS BEEN 2 MONTHS)

"Will- oh will come here" I didnt realise I started crying as she hugs me making me hug her tighter making me go a little red.

10 minutes later (sorry for the time jumps!)

"Hey will I'm really sorry about you missing your friends" I look up at her becouse I'm laydd across her stomach on the grass near my house. "Its fine y/n really" I can tell shes smiling its adorable- what?

Nancy's pov

I'm in the car going to see Jonathan with mike and he seems to be excited. "Where almost there!" my mum shouts clearly smiling. "Yes! Yes yes!!" Mike yells making me and mum laugh.

At wills house~

I knock on the door and Jonathan answers the door making me tear up smiling and he just stands there tearing up and he leaps at me cutetly hugging me making me move back laughing.

"Hey where will?" Joyce smirks making me smile. "Hes out with a GIRL!" She yells the last part.

"Mum?" I turn around and see will with tears running dow his face and I look down seeing him holding the girls hand gently making me awe.

"will!" Mike yells and runs towards him as will runs towards him and when they meet it was the most cutest thing ever.

Y/n's pov

God I missed you!" I could hear will clearly sobbing into what I think is Mike's shoulder.

Then el or Jane walks out the door and as soon as she sees mike she sobs his name making him let go of will and run up to her at kiss her passionately.

"Awww that's so cute!" I say. "I wasnt expecting this!" Will says still crying and hugs mike agian making me smile lightly. "And who are you?" Mike questions looking at will then me. "I'm y/n, will and els neighbour" I say sweetly. "Shes nice to you right?" Will laughs. "Course she is, she is my first friend here actually" mike smiles at me. "I'm glad"

Sorry it's a bit late!


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