Chapter 8 Hanging with the bad boy

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Dedicated to @Dreamerr02 and her best friend Brian. Happy Birthday in advance Brian and I hope you enjoy your day.


To all my ghost readers I am asking kindly if you could just vote or comment on the chapters please. I am also asking if you could follow me. I know it sounds like a lot to ask but really it isn't. Thank you enjoy the chapter.


Chapter 8

Mirianna's POV

Here I am lying awake at two in the morning thinking about a certain bad boy. Gosh it seems like he is on my mind twenty four seven these days. The way his laugh sounds like music to my ears, the way his smile lights up a room and that trademark smirk of his that makes me wanna rape those full pink lips of his.

Oh my gosh I'm turning into some sort of pedophile stalker. I finally decided to get some sleep when I heard my phone beep. I picked it up and saw that I had a text from Logan. Immediately I opened the text

' I know you might be sleeping right now but I was wondering what you wanted to do today. Tell me when you're awake.'~L

'no you didn't wake me and I was thinking ice- cream and anything else that you wanted to do.'~M

'anything? well I've got something in mind but just remember one plus one equals two without protection so you bringing it or should I'~L

'No pervert I wasn't talking about that.'~M

'You sure cause that sounded like a lot of fun for both you and I ;)'~L

'pervert, anyways I'm getting tired so I'm going to sleep now. Bye!'~M

' okay good night even though its morning and keep an open mind about it you wont know how fun it it will be if you don't try it.'~L

' hell no!~M

'oh well it was worth a shot good night I'll pick you up at about two.'~L


With that I went into the most peaceful slumber looking forward to spending the day with Logan.

Logan's POV

I texted Mirianna at two in the morning to ask her what she wanted to do even though I could have just asked her when I picked her up, but I just felt the need to talk to her. I know pathetic right. I think I might actually like her more than a friend, but I'm not sure. So even if I do the emotion isn't strong. I kept thinking about how soft her lips looked, how innocent her small frame and piercing blue eyes portray her to be. She could make any guy fall at her feet with just one smile but of course she didn't know that. I can see how timid she is around guys at the same time this was both a blessing and a sin. I was glad that she was shy and would brush off any guy but at the same time I wanted to rid her of  all her insecurities and let her see how beautiful she really is. 

I didn't even realize that the sun was up. Oh lord I just spent three hours thinking about her. 

Mirianna's POV

It's now ten o' clock and I'm wishing that the time would go by faster because it's taking forever. I head downstairs and see my dad fast asleep on the couch. I didn't want to wake him so I decided to play spy and do those awesome moves that they do. I rolled on the floor to the table where I saw a sharpie marker. I pick it up and drew a mustache and beard on his face. I then proceed with my rolling and tried doing a ninja flip.

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