Chapter 13 I like Him

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Logan's POV

After I parted ways with Mirianna I went to the office to get my new schedule. I had asked to have my schedule changed from yesterday because she told me that she has all classes with Caleb. Just the thought of her with him has me in an over protective mode. I can't let what happened the last time happen again. As I think about what happened I remember Mirianna askng why I don't like Caleb. I don't think I'm ready to tell her as yet but one day I will.

Mirianna's POV

It's now lunch time and logan still hasn't answered my question. So far he has been in all my classes. "You didn't answer my queston," I state while drinking my juice.

"What question?" he asks.

"Don't play dumb you know what question."

"I had my schedule changed and it just so happens that we have all the same classes at the same time now," he said while shrugging his shoulder.

I shrugged it off and didn't question him anymore because of how hungry I am. I'm just tired of the food they serve here.

"Are you not hungry?"

"Starving, why?"

"Because for lunch you are drinking a box drink, wanna go have lunch somewhere?"

"Sure, but you are going to have to carry me."

"I don't have a problem with that," he said while picking me up.

"You know I was joking right. Put me down."

"but I like carrying you," he said.

"No really I need to use the restrom put me down."

"Okay I'll wait here," he said while putting me down.

I am in one of the bathroom stalls when I hear Kayla and her minions enter the bathroom. "I can't believe Logan hangs out with that slut. I mean did you see how she threw herself at him in the cafeteria 'oh logan carry me'," she says mocking me. That is not what happened.

I exit the bathroom stall and wash my hands. I turn around to see Kayla with a perfectly manicured hand on her hip and a smirk on her face. "Well if it isn't the slut her self."

I raise an eyebrow and ask" Are you talking about yourself or me?"

"Obviously you! You are so damn stupid what does Logan see in you?" she shrieked.

"Bitch don't envy because he actually pays attention tom me." Her smirk instantly dropped and it was now my turn to smirk and with that I headed back to the cafeteria.

"Ready?" Logan asks.


We started walking towards the exit and he interlaced our hands. My hand felt perfect against his.

Logan's POV

I don't know what possessed me to hold her hand but it sure felt good. Her small hands in my larger one felt right.

Mirianna's POV

We get takeouts from Popeyes and head the clearing to eat. I eat until I am stuffed.

"I bet I can beat you in thumb war," Logan says.

"You are so random."

"I might be random but you still can't beat me."

"I am awesome at thumb war."

We played ten times and we were both tied at five to five.

"Okay I'm tired of this," I said.

"That makes two of us."

I looked up at him and I was completely mesmerized by those stormy blue eyes. It's as if time stopped. I wonder what he is thinking. I know what I'm thinkng is X-Rated. Those lips look so inviting. I don't know how we got so close but I could feel his warm breath fanning my face. It seems as if I don't know how a lot of things happen lately. When I'm with Logan everthing seems perfect and okay.

"Umm... I think we should head back to school," I say breaking eye contact. If I sat there any longer I don't know what I would have done.


He pulls me up and we walk to the car in silence without sparing a single glance at each other. I didn't really have problem with the silence, I was too lost in my thoughts. All thoughts about Logan. I didn't really mind it, until we got into the car. It was the definition of awkward.

Logan's POV

Her face was so close to mine that I could feel her breath. Right there I was going to kiss her until she said those words. I guess she didn't want to kiss me. I guess she just doesn't feel the same way, but if she didn't want to kiss me why did she lean in at the same time I did?

Mirianna's POV

I get out of the car the same time Logan does. We still have not said a word to each other and it is killing me. Hearing his voice brings me happiness. I spare a glance at him and see him looking at me also. He sits on the hood of the car and motions me to come sit beside him.

"When I sit down he says," Scar listen, I don't know what just happened in the clearing, but whatever happened please don't let it get between us this silence is killing me."

"No problem."

A look of relief passes through his eyes and he engulfs me in a hug. When he releases me I say," Come on let's get to class."

We both start heading to class side by side and this time it's me that interlace our hands, and I have no intentions of letting go. He looks at me and at first he looks shocked then he smiled and so did I. Just then my answer to my question was confirmed. Maybe I do like the bad boy after all.

Logan's POV

When she interlaced our hands to say I was shocked is an understement. Soon that feeling vanished and turned into happiness. Maybe she does like me after all.

Mirianna's POV

In all my classes Logan sat next to me and behind me sat Caleb. It wasn't hard to miss the glares they sent each other.

Before I even realized school was finished. "Ready to go?" Logan asks.


We arrive at my house in about five minutes. Logan walks me to my door step and says," I'll pick you up tomorrow at the same time."


"See you tomorrow Scar he says and kisses my forehead." i walk inside with a grin so wide I think my face is going to burst. I don't see my dad so I walk up to my bedroom and jump on my bed. With my thoughts drifting to that sexy ass bad boy with the body of a god.

Logan's POV

I get in my car and start to head home with the grin of a Chesire cat. Probably my grin was even wider. When I walk inside it seems I still have that grin on my face because Matilda asks me, "What's got you so happy?"

"Nothing, just a blue eyed goddess."

Matilda looks shocked and I don't blame her because even I'm still shocked. Before Mirianna came along I was incapabale of feeling anything for anyone but my close friends. I was a cold hearted player but now I don't know what you would classify me as. All I know is that Mirianna Hernandez has changed me for the better. Since we became friends I had not even glanced at another girl. She is the only one I pay attention to. She is the one that melted my stone hard heart and I have got to admit it for the first time in a really long time I'm happy.

Mirianna Hernandez has made me happy and it feels good.

Pic on the side is Logan
There you go guys I hope you enjoy the chapter. Please vote, comment and follow me. Love yah :*

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