Chapter 2 Memories

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Nina's POV

I watched as she ran from the cafe. My best friend was really moving. I could feel the tears comming again but I was going to stay strong for the both of us. I couldnt cry. Instead I sat there remembering the good times we had. 

*FLASHBACk* 15 years ago when they just met from Nina's POV

"I dont want to go in there," I said while wiggling like a worm trying to be released from my mother's death grip. 

"Sweetie it will be ok it's just school you will meet lots of new friends and do fun activities here," my mother, Elizabeth, said trying to persuade me into liking school.

"No I wont now carry me home!" As I said this a girl with dark brown hair falling midway on her back and piercing blue eyes walked in crying.

"I dont wanna go to school daddy," she said while forming a pout with her rosy pink lips. She then tried to make a run for it but my mom caught her.

"Now sweetie who are you here with?" my mother asked while smiling sweetly at the little girl before her.

"My dad," as she said this a tall man with brown hair and golden brown eyes came over.

"Thank you, as you can see my daughter doesnt like school." 

" Neither does mine."

"Hi I'm Adam." he outstretched an arm for my mom to shake and she gladly took it.

"I'm Elizabeth"

Our parents talked for a very long time it's like they forgot we were there."Hey you girlie."

"Who me?" 

I rolled my eyes and replied, "Duh."

"What?" she asked obviously annoyed with my attitude 

"What is your name ?" 

"Mirianna, yours?" 

"I think I'll call you Anna, mine's Nina"

From that day we always sat with each other and talked. We shared lunches and even told each other secrets. She was always the nice one and me the one you should know better than to mess with. We were complete opposites but that was okay because I loved her anyway.


Before i knew it the tears were streaming down my face. Some bystanders looked at me looked at me like I was crazy, but I couldnt care less. My best friend of 15 years is gone and I couldnt believe it.

Mirianna's POV

 "Dad where's the black bag with my personal stuff?"

"On the back seat honey."

I grabbed my bag to take out my sunglasses and phone. I then plugged in my headphones to listen to some music while looking at some pics.While scrolling through the pics i saw one with NIna and I on my sixth birthday. We were covered in pink and blue icining. I remember that night clearly. The party was over and Nina was spending the night at my place. She saw the half finished cake and then suggested a food fight which I gladly agreed to. After we were finished the house was a mess and my dad wasn't pleased at all. I thought he looked sad because he didn't get to play so I went into the kitchen for the bottle of ketchup and then squirted it all over him. At first he looked like he was gonna blow up  but then he had a crooked smirk on his face an his golden brown eyes flashed mischief. I began to run as fast as my short legs could carry me, but he was much taller and faster so he caught me in almost a second. He threw me over his shoulder and started ticklng me. I wriggled like a worm while laughing. I laughed so hard it hurt. I pounded against his back as hard as  could but he just laughed and said it felt like a soothing massage. I then Looked to Nina and stated shouting help. She went for my water gun and blasted my dad. My dad set me down on my feet and and then ran after Nina I threw the cushion at him and started running. He caught the both of us and started tickling us. That was one of the best days ever.

At the sudden memory tears came to my eyes. I bit the bottom of my lips to silence the sobs that were threatening to escape but this was just not enough. I really loved Nina she is like a sister to me. We've always been there for each other and now I'm going to be all alone with no one to turn to. Who am I going have food fights with? Who is going to tell me a cheesy joke that would make even the saddest of persons smile? Who is going tease me about being a good girl? No one that's who because I'm all alone now. I had to leave her and now I've got no one to turn to. 

I am all alone

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