Chapter 3 Finally Here

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Hey guys sorry for the long wait I was kinda busy but i promise to update more. So here it is enjoy and please comment.


Chapter 3 Finally Here

"Mirianna, Mirianna!"

"Mhmm!" If it's one thing i I hate it's having to wake up from a comfortable sleep.

" Wake up hon we are almost at the house."

I wake up to see lush green trees passing by. Even though I can't see much it is beautiful. Houses started coming into veiw and they were huge. Lots of two story houses passed by with kids playing with their families and others roamed the sidewalk talking and some on their phones. So far I like the vibe I'm getting from this town. It seems so friendly and homely. 

"we're here."

The word wow is an understatement to describe the new house. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating a bit but if you saw my old house compared to this one you would be saying the same too." Dad how are we affording this?"

He flashed me a smile showing off his pearly whites and replied " that's the surprise I got a promotion."

"really!" I tackled him in a big hug causing him to stumble a little. "Okay you go and 'explore' while i carry the bags inside.

I decided to explore the house first. I stepped inside and my jaw fell to the floor. This living room is huge. It has white and grey walls and clean white tiles. I let my eyes roam over the living room and I spot a door. I open the door to find a kitchen. It is the same colour as the room that I assumed was the living room. I explored all three bedrooms in the house, the two bathrooms, the dining room and the family room. I then decided to check out the backyard. I thought the front and inside of the house was beautiful until i saw this. The backyard has a large pool and tall trees. In the distance you can see the mountains. It looks so peaceful. So I guess this is a place where I'll be hanging out a lot.

I head back inside and dad shows me my room. 5 hours later I'm finished unpacking my stuff. It's a good thing my bed had arrived days earlier than my other stuff. Now all I have to do is  spread my bed so i can rest. I lie down for a while staring at the ceiling and thinking about what my life will be like in this town. The people seemed friendly I just hope they are the same towards me. My eyes began to close slowly.  The next thing i knew i was in dreamland. I woke up and looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was 10:30 in the night I took out an over sized T-shirt that falls mid way at my thighs and grab my towel. I strip and turn on the shower deciding I'll take a bath another day or night whatever you wanna say. I make sure that the water is warm enough before i stand under it. The water feels a little hot at first but my body got used to it. When I'm finished with my shower I brush my teeth and put my hair in a bun. I then head back into my room so i can go back into the wonderful dreamland.


I head into the kitchen and see my dad making pancakes, frying sausages and scrambling eggs. I grab a plate and put a pancake on it. I then take a bite of one of the sausages on the plate. Only to feel a burning sensation on my tongue.

" Hot, hot hot !"

" careful honey i just took those off the stove so they are burning hot."

" Wow thanks for the heads up!"

" hey don't blame me it's not my fault that you are so greedy." He is obviously stiffling a laugh.

" I dont like you."

He knows I'm joking so he replies with a sure.

After eating breakfast with my dad we watch tv together. I miss the days we used to spend like  this. We talk about random topics and I was enjoying our conversation until he said the worst thing ever "  oh honey I forgot to tell you, you start school tomorrow."



Hey guys I know these chapters have been very boring, but she is about to start school and that's where it gets interesting. So please I'm asking you to just comment and tell me what you think so far.

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