Chapter 15 Bad Boy Kisses

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Mirianna's POV

School's over and I am sitting in the detention room with Logan. He seems so relaxed while I on the other hand looks like a nervous wreck. How the hell is he so relaxed? I can't believe I got a detention because of that bitch. My dad is going to kill me! Never in my life had I gotten a detention. I've always had straight A's and a perfect record.

"Woah!" Logan exclaims.
"Your finger."

I look down at my fingers and see blood spurting from my index finger nail. I didn't even realize I was biting them until now. "Calm down it's just detention."
"Just detention? If my dad finds out he will tear me to shreds with his bare hands!" I know I'm probably over exaggerating right now but if my dad really found out he would definitely punish me. He may seem like a fun person but when it comes to disciplinary circumstances he's really strict.

"I don't think he would, and come on it's just detention these things are awesome Mr. Ryder is usually never in here for these things. Or at least that's what I've heard, I've never really shown up to any of his detentions."

"So why start now?" I ask him.
"Because you're in here," he says while scratching the back of his neck and I could swear his cheeks wen pink.
"So since you don't think coach will be in here what do you want to do for the hour?"

"Any-" he didn't get a chance to finish because coach walked in and said,
"Okay detention has officially started and absolutely no talking or listening to music."

Wait! So he just expects us to sit here and do nothing? This is gonna be a long and boring wait. I guess I'll just sleep through it.
"Oh yeah also no sleeping."

He has got to be kidding me.

It feels like I have been in here forever. I look up at the clock and see that only five minutes had passed. My eyes were getting very droopy. Just as I put my head in the desk coach bangs his table and shouts,"No sleeping!"

"What did I do to deserve this? Oh yeah I hit the bitch in the face with the ball!

I stare out the window for what seems like hours but has only been ten minutes. I was about to put my head on the desk again because there was nothing interesting happening outside when Kayla and her minions pass in their cheerleading outfits. At the sight of them all my anger returns and then a sense of pride wavers through me. When Kayla turns to face me I see a bandage on her nose and a smile appears on my face. I know creepy right. I replay the image of her when the ball hit her face. If only it would have left a permanent mark on that pretty little face of hers.

Kayla turns around and give instructions to one of her minions. At least that's what I think she's doing. A minute later Kayla turns around with a big cue card in her hands. Written on the cue cards were the words in a scrappy handwriting 'remember when you got me detention?'
What the hell this girl is delusional. I did not get her detention. She did that herself by calling me a bitch.

She hands the cue card to one of her minions named Nicole, I think. When she hands her the card the other minion hands her another. In the same scrappy handwriting the card says 'detention's not nice is it. Well consider this part one of my revenge plan especially for what you did to my face.'

She then takes yet another card and this one says 'payback is a bitch.'
Isn't it karma that is a bitch?

They all take a card and start dancing and motion for me to kiss their asses.

I can't help but to start laughing. I actually fall off my chair and double over on the floor holding my stomach. I'm laughing so hard that it hurts. To think I thought I was immature. Kayla put me to shame in the race of immaturity. She won by a massive distance.

"What's so funny Ms.Hernandez?" Coach asks.
"Look for yourself," I say pointing towards the window.

He gets up from his desk and walks to the window. "There is nothing there."

"What?" I get up and look out the window and see nothing. Did I just imagine that?

"Ms. Hernandez please stop laughing, there is nothing out the window."

I sit back in my seat and wait for the other twenty minutes to pass.

I feel someone shaking me."Scar we can go now."
"Did I just fall asleep with my eyes open?" I ask Logan.
"Yup, lucky I've been trying to master that art for years," he says with a pout. Damn he's cute. Those lips look more and more inviting everyday I see him.
"Earth to Scar," he says while waving his hand in front of my face.
"Umm...yea let's go."

He just smirks while I walk away. He catches up to me in no time. "So you wanna get something to eat before you go home?" He asks.

"Sure, and can we go to the clearing?" I ask.
"Can't get enough of me can you?" He asks with that trademark smirk of his on his face. It's true I only want to go to the clearing to spend time with him but he doesn't need to know that.
"You wish."

We head to Mindy's Café and find and empty booth for the both of us. As we sit down a waitress comes and takes our order. Well more like Logan's order. She didn't even take a glance at me because she was too busy touching Logan. I felt like clawing out her eyes right there and it wasn't because she ignored me it was because she was touching Logan.

Logan looks frustrated and calls her back.
"Are you forgetting something?" He asks her.
"I don't think I am," she says while tracing a pattern along his arm and batting her fake eyelashes.

Logan yanks her hand off him and says,"Don't you see you're older than I am. I would never bang an old skank like you. Now do your freaking job and stop attempting to flirt with me because I will get you fired."

I try to stifle my laughs but fail miserably. The waitress turns to me with a cold hard glare and I give her my order.
"Such a whore." Logan says to me and I can't help but continue laughing.

When our food arrives we decide to just head to the clearing and eat.
"Ugh...I'm stuffed!" I say while plopping myself down on my back.
"How can you be stuffed you've only ate half of your burger."
"That's a lot of food yah know."
"No I ate two burgers and I could eat another that's a lot of food."
"You're only able to do that because all boys are pigs."
"No we aren't."
"Yes all males are pigs. You guys eat so much and yet still
females are stronger."
"Yeah right. Wanna put that to the test?"
"How arm wrestling match?"
"No a full wrestling match."

Within seconds Logan was on top of me and had me pinned to the ground with my hands trapped above my head. I don't care that I'm losing all I can really focus on is the position we are in which sent my harmone running wild. He let's my hand go and move a strand of hair from my face. His mouth is slightly parted and those soft lips looks tempting. He leans closer and my heart beat speeds up in anticipation of what he is going to do. His soft lips brush over mine and my stomach did a somersault. He trails kisses along my collar bone and I can't help but want his lips back on mine. I flip us over so that I was straddling him a put my lip I his. Thet matched perfectly. He flipped us again so he was on top. He nibbled on my bottom lip asking for entrance. I decided to tease him and deny his request. He runs his hand down my waist and a moan escapes my lips. He uses that moment to his advantage and slips his tongue into my mouth. The kiss felt nice and it was filled with pure desire. I can't believe I'm kissing the bad boy.

Wait I'm kissing the bad boy. The same boy who told me that he would never settle down. The same boy that told me he slept with a new girl every night.

He looks at me confused and asks,"What's wrong?"
"I can't do this anymore."
He gets off me and we both sit up and face each other.
"Why not?" He asks with hurt and and rejection shining through his eyes.
"Because I can't feel anything more than I do for you."
"Because you said it yourself, you're a player and I refuse to be one of your flings."
I break eye contact and turn away from him.
He turns me around and bring my head up forcing me to look at him."Mirianna listen to me I like you a lot. Never in my life had I liked someone. Please all I'm asking for is a chance for me to show you just how much I like you. Go on a date with me tomorrow?"
I tried looking for any signs of him lying but all I found were the sincerity of his words.
"Okay." And with that I grabbed his head and continued kissing him. Truth be told even though I had only kissed one guy before Logan was better than him by far.

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