The good old 'daze'

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Inside her apartment, once Jenny had left, Mac was upset. How dare that officer call her a crazy kid. "Crazy kid, my foot, I'm a mastermind." She also wondered what was wrong with his eye. Did he really wink or did he have a problem. She figured he probably had a problem but was again upset by his smile. "What if he knew it was her who had done it?"

She would have been shocked if she could have known what was going through the officer's mind. Officer Aaron James was hard and horny. Ever since he joined Station 35, he had been assigned to Officer Hank Williams and Brownstone Heights was in their allocated, patrol area as Hank was sweet on a girl who lived nearby. So what if he sometimes looked the other way while Hank visited her. As long as there was no harm done, it was fine. After all, the police also had lives. Officer James almost fell on his knees, literally, when he bumped into Mac as she came running down the stairs while he was on his way to deal with a complaint from a Mrs Johnson. The elevator wasn't working and he wasn't in a good mood. Without looking at him, this beautiful girl had angrily shouted at him, to watch where he was walking. Usually girls fell over themselves to get his attention. This one who he almost fell on top off, had glared and walked away. He wanted her. He burned for her. His body ached for her.

Officer Aaron couldn't stop thinking about her. Every time they had a call, he hoped to see her. He fell harder. 'Poor sucker'. His dick definitely got harder each time. He was utterly fascinated by her bravery and fighting spirit. The best part was how funny she was. She made him laugh. He didn't show his feelings but he would think about her while he was at home and ache to be with her. He had dreams about her. Some were x rated. Some impossible. Some, made his heart ache. Would he get his girl? Yes, he thought of her as his girl. People thought he was crazy when he suddenly laughed at something she said while thinking about her.

Jenny, however was troubled as she made her way home. Alexei was her brother and deep down, she knew that Alexei loved Mac. She didn't like the way that, that Officer, was looking at Mac. What if Mac fell for him or gave up on her love for Alexei.

Her brother was the most foolish person on earth. They were all friends at one point in time and it was only at the time when they had lost their parents that, Alexei had discovered his feelings for Mac. Being the oldest, meant being responsible for the other kids but not for Mac. Alexei was fifteen then, Mac twelve, Jenny was eleven and all three were in school. Then there was little AJ who lost his parents at the age of two. He never knew them and ended up calling Mac and Jenny momma until he was old enough to realise who they were. Mac was independent and a take charge person even then.

School fees had been paid in advance by their parents, so all four were taken care off however living expenses were a problem as all bank accounts were frozen. While both sets of parents were extremely rich, their bodies hadn't been found so everything was frozen until the investigation was completed or their bodies found. Alexei and Mac both worked odd jobs and Mac sold baked goods in order to earn money for food and clothing. They all lived in the Nikolov house as Mac's uncle who she had never seen before, claimed her family home and indicated that it would be better if she and AJ moved in with the Nikolov's since they were comfortable with each other. The relevant child services authorities, agreed with this and allocated a child minder who disappeared when Mac's uncle John, failed to pay her as agreed.

This didn't deter the oldest two as they continued to look after their siblings. By the time, Alexei was done with school when he turned eighteen and Mac, then fifteen, still had a couple of years still to go, Mac's catering business had taken off and she was making enough money to take care of daily expenses. Alexei then only needed to work and pay off his studies at University. Both of them agreed that Alexei had to study in order for him to get a good job and then take over from Mac so that she could study when the time came. When Mac was sixteen Alexei confessed his feelings even though he didn't need to. Mac was aware and the feeling was mutual. Both had their first kiss with each other on Mac's sixteenth birthday. Make out sessions, late nights spent talking and kissing was a norm for a year. They hadn't gone further than kissing and and some heavy petting on occasion. Since it would officially take twenty years to settle an estate, there was still a long way to go unless their parent's bodies were found.

Two years later, when Mac turned eighteen and Alexei was twenty one, their parent's bodies were finally found and identified. This saddened the four orphans as they still had hope of seeing their parents again. A double blow changed Mac's life when all of a sudden Alexei pulled away from her. She walked into the house one day, after school, to see Alexei making out with her cousin Melissa. Her heart broke into tiny fragments that day. Jenny didn't know what happened or what was discussed between Mac and Alexei but one thing she did know was that Alexei wasn't happy and although Mac pretended, she could see the sadness and hurt, in her every smile.

Mac stayed there in the Nikolov house,  for one week until the last day of school and somehow managed to avoid seeing Alexei. Until this day, Alexei didn't know where she was. Jenny refused to tell him, when he asked and asked him to respect her decision. She also asked Alexei whether it was any of his business, where Mac was. He walked away without replying. Mac didn't go to study at University as planned, once she finished school, as there was no money to pay for her studies. Uncle John,  Melissa's father,  had explained that her parents had lost all their money on investments that crashed. While both their parents had lots of money, they had invested the majority in offshore investments. They hadn't invested in a business or a company except for a charity organization which Alexei eventually took over. Fortunately, his parents money was still safe and since  Alexei had received some of his inheritance when he turned twenty one, he used this, to start up his own company which was thriving successfully. In fact, he had expanded by taking over a small, failing business and growing it over the years. Alexei had studied information technology and was successful at developing virtual games.

Jenny also had her inheritance, which she often tried to share with Mac but Mac was adamant that she was fine. Mac had forbidden Jenny to discuss anything about her and her circumstances with Alexei. The day Mac moved out of their house, Jenny was  inconsolable. She wanted to go live with Mac when she found out what happened but since Mac had left without any means of contact, she couldn't do so. Jenny was so happy, when she finished school the next day and found Mac waiting for her. Mac swore her to secrecy about her whereabouts but still refused to talk about Alexei. Until today, Mac even refused to mention his name. She never looked at another guy. Her life was consumed by taking care of AJ, Megan and her child, and Jenny, even though Jenny didn't need taking care of. Jenny contributed in a way that Mac could not refuse. She pitched up with gifts for AJ and take out every now and then. Mac couldn't refuse gifts. Now though, as Jenny reflected on the past, she realised that she would have be underhanded in order to find out what happened between her brother and her 'sister' and best friend.

Next up....ALEXEI'S POV

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