Where do I look for you?

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In the last chapter, Alexei heard for himself how materialistic and sinister Melissa was and how she had played him for a fool. Mac's Uncle John had robbed her, of her inheritance. Mac had left and he didn't know where she was.

As soon as he heard their conversation, he had alerted the police. They wouldn't get away. Not after, he heard them say that they would get rid of Mac. He observed John and the stranger. They approached him with intent. He made his way towards Melissa. Grabbing her by her arms, he pulled her close to him. "You will enjoy prison, my dear! I'll make sure of that. You destroyed my relationship with Mac.You could have had it all, with me but you chose to lie and cheat. I would have given you the world. To think that I kept denying Mac, because of you, thinking that your loyalty to me deserved mine to you. Melissa, you're a worthless piece of trash!" While talking to Melissa, he observed the other two. Seems like they thought they could take him because they moved closer, from opposite sides, trying to box him in. He just needed to buy some time until the police arrived. Making a quick decision, he asked John if he still had any money left. John was confused and asked what Alexei was talking about. Alexei looked at him, with a serious and puzzled face. "You really don't know? When last did you check your bank account and Mac's inheritance? I suggest you look at them, before it's too late."

Worried, John asked the stranger whose name was Jason, to fetch his laptop from his study. Instead of worrying about Melissa and what possibly could happen now that Alexei knew, John was worried about the money. Alexei had counted on that. Edging his way around, he was in open sight of the patio door, knowing that the police should be there any minute. Melissa's lover returned with the laptop. John almost snatched it from his hand. He quickly signed in. The others, stupidly gathered around him, their greed, making them stupid.

Alexei stepped backwards out of the house, just as the police arrived. He identified himself and explained the situation. Even though he had been upset at what he had heard, he still had the presence of mind to record everything, thereafter. He sent the recording to the Officer in Charge and left them to it. He heard the shouts of fury as he left. His emotions were in a spin but he mostly felt relief. "Relief that he owed nothing to Melissa. Relief that he was free. More than anything else though, was relief that he hadn't betrayed Mac with his body. He wished he could sanitize his lips though. I can help you!😁 His feelings of relief soon deflated as he thought about, how he was going to find Mac. What if he never found her?" His heart almost sank at that thought. It sank further as he realized that she wouldn't forgive him. He knew Mac well. She held grudges.

Making a call to his investigator, who had nothing yet, he dejectedly made his way home. He called Jenny but she didn't answer. The Officer in charge, called him, before he got home and asked him to come to the station. Turning around, he made his way downtown. He gave his statement and copies of the evidence. He would have to submit the originals. While he was leaving, he came across Officer Aaron. Feeling awkward because of his animosity towards the Officer, each time they met, he wasn't surprised when the Officer glared at him. Offering a tentative smile, he asked Aaron if he had recently spoken to Mac. Aaron's replied that he hadn't since dinner the day before. He then asked Alexei why he was at the station. Alexei hesitated. Knowing that Mac would want to know, Aaron offered Alexei coffee and a seat in an empty office. Once the coffee was made, he sat down in front of Alexei and took a sip of his drink. After two minutes of small talk, Alexei came out with his tale. As he spoke, he realized that all he felt was relief. "He didn't feel upset or hurt about Melissa's betrayal. He was just happy to escape. Surely if he loved her as he said he did, he would be heart broken now. He wasn't. All he could think of, was Mac."

Looking Officer Aaron directly in his eyes, Alexei asked if he really didn't know where Mac was as he had to sort out the issue of her inheritance. Aaron again replied that if she happened to call him, he would ask her to call Alexei. Alexei left and Aaron called Jenny. He told her that her brother needed her. He wanted to call Mac but decided that Alexei needed to stew for a while. Her inheritance wasn't going anywhere. There was still legal issues to deal with. If Aaron had an inkling of what the future held, maybe he would have told Alexei where Mac was, or told Mac that Alexei wanted to talk to her.

The legal issues were taking weeks to sort out. Alexei wasn't doing well. He felt drained and miserable. There was still no news of Mac and Jenny swore that she didn't know where Mac was. Jenny had been there for him these past weeks and he was eternally grateful. She didn't say I told you say, as expected. She just listened whenever he wanted to talk. Jenny, however was stewing in guilt. While she didn't know exactly where Mac was, she knew the person who was aware of said location. She deliberated the matter over a few days. It had been weeks since Mac had left. In fact, it was now three months to be exact. Alexei always looked lost and alone and Jenny missed Mac and AJ. She needed to do something to help both Mac and Alexei. She knew they belonged together. She also knew that Alexei deserved to learn a lesson but he wasn't doing well. He hardly ate. He was obviously not getting enough sleep, judging from the bags under his eyes. Making up her mind, she called Mac. At first, they spoke as they generally do and Mac seemed to be in high spirits but she also sounded down. During a lull in the conversation, Jenny acted as if she were taking another call and asked Mac to hold. Pretending to be talking to Alexei after taking Mac off hold, she carried on talking about John and Melissa and the case. Ignoring the gasp from Mac, she proceeded to ask Alexei if they needed Mac at the initial trial. When no answer came, she cautiously queried, "Alexei? It's Mac! Tell me what's going on. Now Jenny!" Only too eager to spill, Jenny dished out all the dirt, including the latest attempt by Melissa to blackmail Alexei into leniency by claiming that she was pregnant. "Can you believe how insane Melissa is? Sh.." "Melissa is pregnant with Alexei's child?" asked Mac, in a broken tone.

Cursing her big mouth, Jenny hastily rushed to explain, " Oh no Mac! Definitely not! Alexei hasn't even slept with her. Melissa, is so stupid. She admitted to drugging Alexei and making him believe they slept together several times and now out of desperation, she is claiming that she's pregnant. If she is really pregnant, it's her boyfriends child. Oh yes, I did mention the cheating right and that the whole plot was to get you of Alexei's life and steal your money. Then make a move on Alexei and take his money." She listened carefully for the sigh off relief and when she heard it, she mentally patted herself on the back. "Hopefully, Alexei's lawyer can get rid of her accusation quickly and this whole thing will be resolved soon. Then Alex.." "Jenny, is Alexei okay? Was he harmed in any way? How is he now?" Jenny loved it when the squirrel went for the nuts. Grinning, she did a silent dance and as she turned around, she found Alexei standing there with his hands in fists . "Er, Mac, Alexei is doing okay. Can I call you back? I, er, left the iron on, at my place. I just remembered it now." She quickly hung up as Mac scolded her, for not being careful.

Jenny faced a very upset Alexei and denied all accusations that followed as it wasn't true. Running out of steam, Alexei just looked at her with a disappointed look. Giving up, Jenny exclaimed that she didn't know where Mac was and that the only thing she was guilty off, was trying to trick Mac into coming back. They both knew that Mac hated injustice of any kind, especially towards those she cared about. At just that moment, Alexei's investigator called. He had found Mac, by tracing Jenny's phone. Alexei's poor heart started beating again. He wasn't waiting anymore. Hanging up, he looked at Jenny. "I'm going to get her back!" " What? Wait, I'm coming with you!"

One more chapter, then the Epilogue. So, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? Alexei is gonna have to sweat for it. Will he succeed and how soon?

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