Sneaky looks and awkward moments

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Living in Alexei's house, was going to be hard, for Mac. Images of the dream kept floating through her mind. Like a kaleidoscope of pictures on a big screen. It made her cringe in embarrassment, as if, anyone would know, what she was thinking about. What was more embarrassing, was the fact that she was aroused. Every time she remembered, she ached, deep in her core. Having never experienced something like this before, she didn't know how to feel.

She was dreading seeing Alexei as the time for him to get home, drew closer. Currently, she was pacing in the garden, while watching Toothless and her son Shadow, make themselves at home. They were busy playing with a hair band, which explains why she could never find any, to tie up her hair. Shadow left the hair band and came trotting over to her and nudged her foot with his head. He had a foot fetish it seems. He preferred to be petted with feet, not hands. He was so persistent, that she was soon trying to stay on her feet. He bit her foot and she jumped. It was a gentle bite, but the suddenness caught her off guard and she wobbled before falling. She hit the ground hard, luckily, falling on her butt. She would have a bruise for sure. Shadow, startled from the fall, had jumped away from her but, seeing her on the ground, he ran over to play. "No, baby, stop it! My butt is sore and it's your fault, you little rascal. You broke my butt! she scolded. Trying to get up, she groaned, as she felt the pain in her butt and lower back. She started to fall back. Laughter sounded, giving her goosebumps, as a pair of arms wrapped around her, preventing her from hitting the ground again.

Mac froze. She knew who it was. Pulses of electricity flowed through her veins, stirring her blood and starting a craving. Her nipples hardened into stiff peaks. Noone else could affect her body like this. Twisting around, in the arms, that were holding her, she saw Alexei, looking at her, with an inscrutable expression. They stood in that position for a moment too long. Were they both, thinking about their dream perhaps, or maybe something else? "Thank you Alexei! I'm fine now. Thanks." She blushed in embarrassment and moved out of his arms. She could kick herself for letting go. She never wanted to leave his arms. Looking everywhere except at him, she happened at glance at the front of his suit pants. His 'package' was clearly visible through his suit trouser. "Did men look like that all the time?" she wondered. Our naive miss had never looked at a man like that before and had never paid attention to 'sex ed' in school, besides the fact that the teacher, Ms Simms was a spinster and easily flustered, had mumbled her way through that lesson faster than you could say the word, pregnant.

Alexei was in turmoil. He wanted to pull her back into his arms, where she belonged. His body was hard and excited. The dream from last night had tortured him the whole day, causing some very uncomfortable moments at work. Every time, he remembered, he got aroused. He had drifted during an important meeting and had been unable to stand up, when it ended due to the bulge in his trousers. He saw Mac's eyes widen and following the direction of her eyes, he gulped in air and quickly turned, with his back to her. Casually acting as if nothing was wrong, he asked her how the move was. 
While she replied, he got himself under control by thinking of Melissa. That certainly had an effect, down South. Not the expected result though, as he loved Melissa. Didn't he?

Mac was blushing like mad. She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her. 
Alexei had seen her looking at his 'thing'. She couldn't even think of the right word as she was too embarrassed. When he turned to look at her after asking about the move, she couldn't look at him. He asked about Shadow and Toothless and she was able to compose herself as she could go on about those two members of her family.  

She had found an abandoned Toothless, at the park, one day, not long after she left Alexei's house, and fell in love with those mysterious yellow-green eyes. AJ had been in seventh heaven when he saw Toothless. (He had named her Toothless after the dragon in the 'How to tame your dragon' movie. A year later, Toothless, the shameless hussy, got pregnant. Mac had found homes for the other six kittens from the litter, and kept Shadow. He was a striped  brownish, grey male with beautiful eyes. (A similar color to his mother.) Shadow was her baby. He acted like one. Those cats and AJ had filled the emptiness inside her, these past years.

Realizing that she had been going on for a bit and had been looking at Alexei while talking, she blushed again. Looking into his eyes, made her feel awkward and she again avoided his eyes. If she only knew what he was thinking. He had paid attention but his mind kept wandering. He watched her mouth move and thought about certain parts of the dream. He looked at her long legs and imagined them wrapped around his hips. He looked at her breast and imagined them in his mouth. Alexei was getting worked up again. This wasn't good. Some shred of his conscience got through to him as he thought of doing things to Mac, until he passed out from exhaustion. "Melissa, was going to be his wife. Why was he fixated on Mac. This wasn't good." Clearing his throat, he told her that he should go get some work done, before dinner.

Mac sighed in relief, the moment Alexei left. That was so intense and torturous. She felt like she could now breathe. Taking deep breaths, she knelt on the grass as Shadow came back for her feet. 
Rubbing her hands in his fur, felt so good as in this was normal. Dreaming about Alexei all the time, wasn't. She wasn't going to last the next few weeks, if this continued. She was more determined than ever to pretend that she didn't feel anything for him. Maybe if she hid in her room then she wouldn't, have to see him. Or, she could, just not look at him. Mentally slapping herself over the head, she nodded at that idea. All she had to do, was look somewhere else, when he was close by. She could also think of AJ's smelly socks, and that would definitely gross her out. If all else failed, she could just wear blinkers, like the ones horses wore. "Yeah, blinkers and ear plugs and maybe a nose plug, so she couldn't smell his heavenly scent.

Scrap those ideas. She knew what he smelt like and could smell his exact scent, even if, he wasn't around. Her body could feel when he was near. She needed to be far away from him in order to survive. "Why does this fragile heart of mine, like to trouble me so? Why is the same man, breaking me over and over? Even worse, why am I allowing it?," she asked herself but no answer was forthcoming. Look at the bright side, she didn't ask herself to repeat what she said! 

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