Sparks and yearning

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Mac was thrilled to have a friend. Someone to care for. Aaron didn't know it but he had become another member of Mac's small family. Mac sensed the pain, the suffering and the lack of love in his life. She hurt for him. She would try to make up for the family he never had. He would now have her, AJ, Jenny and Megan and Bryan. This is the reason why she went out with him. He smiled at her a lot but she hadn't seen him smile at others. He also laughed at a lot but that was because he thought she was crazy. She thought that his eyes were a bit sad.

It's a pity that he had feelings for her. She felt sad for him. She knew what it was like, to love someone who didn't love you back. She would try her best to help him get over his feelings. Maybe help him find his soul mate. She would figure it out.  Mac had a meeting with Alexei and Melissa the next day and she needed to prep for it. She still couldn't get over, how quickly her life was changing. One minute, she's planning to  put Crazy Bird in her place and the next, she's catering at the wedding of the man she loves. She eventually went to bed with her mind in turmoil.

The next morning was hectic. Mac woke late, therefore AJ was delayed. She had to go with him to school as he was upset about being late. Once she spoke to his homeroom teacher and apologized, and AJ was then appeased, she made her way home. She also did not have enough money to take the bus again as she still had to travel to Alexei's house. She walked home. This was something she often did. By the time she got home an hour later, she was hot and thirsty. Guzzling down a glass of ice cold water, she started to assemble all her stuff together for the meeting. She then jumped into the shower, toweled herself dry, wore a pair of blue jeans, a fitted black shirt, black pumps, tied her hair into a high ponytail, gathered the things she needed then left the house.

Jenny was so excited with her brilliant idea that she, wriggled on the couch like a worm. She couldn't wait for Mac to get there. She kept looking at Alexei working on his laptop, smiled at her thoughts then bounced on the couch. Alexei couldn't help wondering what was up with her. She didn't think he noticed, but he did. He wasn't really working. His thoughts were keeping him from work. He was just pretending to work so that he could think in peace without Jenny or Melissa who was reading a book, barging in and disturbing his thoughts. Mac was in his head. Seeing her again after so long, finding out that she did not betray him, was driving him crazy with what ifs.  "Did she still love him? What if she did? That meant he had hurt her twice. Once by kissing Melissa, Then by sleeping with and starting a relationship with Melissa. Now he was marrying Melissa. Had he done a cruel thing by asking Mac to cater their wedding. He didnt mean to. He wanted to help. For some reason, she wasn't using her inheritance and he couldn't just ask why. He knew he loved Melissa and wanted to marry her so why was he so excited to see Mac today? Nothing made sense to him." The doorbell rang and his heart started a 100m sprint.

Jenny jumped off the couch and ran to open the door for Mac. This annoyed him as he was just about to do that. He stood up from where he was sitting and walked forward to greet Mac just as the two girls entered the room. Mac placed her stuff on the low table next to the couch and turned around to greet them. Alexei took a step towards her and hugged her . At first, she froze. Then her arms slowly went around him. That brief moment of being close to each other, of their bodies touching, of smelling the familiar scent of each other, the sparks of electricity flowing from one body into the other, would cause a lot of problems for the two. The sound of Melissa's voice brought them back to reality and into the room. Mac let go of Alexei to return Melissa's greeting. Alexei wasn't ready to let go yet. Mac had slipped out of his arms so quickly that he still had his arms in the same position. Dropping his arms, his fists clenched at his sides. He frowned. Catching Jenny's eye on him  he relaxed himself then turned around. His eyes went straight to Mac so he didn't see Melissa look at him in an assessing way. " Mac, thanks for coming. Can I get you...." he was abruptly cut off when Jenny shoved a glass of juice into Mac's hand. Jenny was seriously pissing him off. " "Why don't we sit at the dining table, then we can discuss the menu and the cake we want," suggested Melissa.

They moved to sit at the table. Melissa took Alexei's hand and pulled him over to two seats, next to each other. Mac and Jenny took seats opposite them. Mac then pulled out her file and after establishing what type of food they wanted, she showed them what she could do. Alexei just sat there looking at her most of the time, with a blank face. Melissa did all the talking. She was very enthusiastic and excited about what she wanted. The voices glazed over into one sound for Alexei as he gazed at Mac. "Mac has flowered into a beautiful woman. When she was younger, she was pretty, but that wasn't why he loved her. He loved her for her strength, her courage and support, for her values and morals and there you have it. If he loved her for her values and morals, how could he have destroyed his love with his own hands. Guilt ate at him. He was going to have a life without her. This girl who he had misjudged and hurt in one of the worst ways possible. This girl, who had supported him time and time again, he had maligned and called her vile names. This girl who brought his body alive with just one look. This girl who he had saved his body for, then given it away in anger. This girl, who was suffering in silence. Her eyes that once shone like emerald fire, now had a dull look to them. This girl who once said, that if he ever cheated on her, she would leave and never take him back. The pain of loss was too much to bear." Abruptly, he got up, from, his chair and walked out of the room. Startled, the three girls, looked at him. One with amusement, one with anger at his weird behavior and one with a yearning so deep, that it made her nauseous.

Sounding awkward, Melissa asked her, if she would have the time, to do everything, as they only had a few weeks left, until the wedding. She asked Mac if she could possibly organize the wedding, as she, Melissa, was busy with sorting out her wedding dress and for that, she had to go to Paris with Alexei. Mac's heart broke even more, if it were at all possible, to break something, that was a mere thread. "Yes, I'll do it." said Mac, just as Alexei walked back into the room. Melissa excitedly told Alexei that Mac offered to help them to organize the wedding while they went shopping in Paris. Hearing about shopping for the first time and extremely upset after hearing that Mac offered to help, Alexei forgot himself and snapped at Melissa,  that he didn't have time to go to Paris. He told her to take her mom. He knew very well that Mac did not offer. He had been about to enter the room when  Melissa had asked Mac. He was seething at Melissa's blatant insensitivity as she knew about his and Mac's past.

Jenny, who had been listening quietly all this while, stepped into the sudden silence. "You know what would be a good idea since we have limited time? Mac, you and AJ, should stay here with me, then we can work together. My apartment has a wiring problem so I can't stay there. I would have stayed with you but Megan's stay at her apartment ends tomorrow, and we still haven't found her a place to live. She could stay in your apartment while you stay here. Don't say no! Think about it. It makes sense. Do you want to keep traveling here every day, for the next few weeks? Besides, AJ will love it here. He will have lots of space to play." Jenny knew just how to manipulate Mac and she shamelessly did it. Alexei was stunned. His heart beat frantically as he waited for Mac's answer.

"Okay, but only if I get to contribute towards food and other expenses. Alexei immediately, agreed. No such thing would happen, because he wouldn't allow it. Another quiet observer was Melissa who wanted to punch Jenny's nose, for suggesting such a thing. Alexei silently sighed in relief at Mac's acceptance. Jenny smiled like the cat who got the cream.

Love is an eternal flame. Can the flame be put out?
Next chapter will have a mature scene. Age restriction is 18.

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