The truth comes to light

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For a moment, Mac is consumed by the scent of Musk and Cinnamon. Alexei's unique scent. It flowed through her senses, almost forcing her, to put her arms around him, and never let go. Their bodies touched for a brief period of time and electricity rose from that point of contact. It froze their minds and hearts. So many years, so many tears but in that one moment, time stood still. It took them back to their first kiss. Their unspoken love since they were kids. Their passion and determination to succeed for each other and then the memories of what drove them apart. Mac pulled away first while Alexei was still reeling from his thoughts and actions. He loved Melissa. He knew he did.

Stepping in front of Alexei, Mac went toe to toe with Officer Aaron. "You! Shark boy! Why did you pull me away. You jealous huh? Want me to beat you?"  she asked, in a threatening manner while glaring at the grinning idiot. "Stop grinning! You look like a stupid shark." The smitten Officer, just smiled and winked at her. "Hmmmm, if there's something wrong with your eye, I know someone who can fix it but if that's a wink, I can fix it with a black eye!" She took a step closer to him as she said this and her fists clenched. Officer Idiot, was so deeply affected by first holding her against his body and now getting intoxicated by her attention and closeness, that he didn't see the danger he was in. He was also so proud of this female, who thought with her heart and not her brain. He only stopped her from beating the landlord, incase, the landlord retaliated or pressed charges.

Lucky for Officer Hank, Officer Aaron was saved from a black eye. Hank stepped in between them, breaking the tension and causing Mac to glare at him. "Look Miss, assaulting a police officer is a crime." "Oh, please, give me a break! The only crime here is you not arresting Thug 1 and Thug 2," she said, indicating Crazy Bird and Lord of worms. Making up his mind, Hank agreed with her because she was right and also because he was a little intimidated by this female 'Thor'. Her emerald eyes spit fire at him, drawing him in. For a moment, he forget his name and his purpose and lost himself in her eyes. The clearing of a throat, brought him back to the present.

"Yes, you're right Miss, Mr Dean and Miss Johnson need to come with us to give a statement. In fact, you and Miss Megan as well." "Megan is not going anywhere! I will give you a statement now. I have work to do," she angrily informed Hank. "Unless, you really want me to come to the station. Hmmmm, it's been a while since I visited." Imagining how she would embarrass him in front of his colleagues, Hank quickly agreed to get her statement before he left. Hearing Officer Aaron chuckle, she glared at him, raised one eyebrow and indicated his eye. The idiot just grinned wider. Turning around to check on Megan, she avoided looking at Alexei.

He was looking at her though. He hadn't taken his eyes off of her, other than to glare at the Officers, especially the one who wanted Mac. He didn't understand his feelings. Why he was feeling so possessive. He hated her. She was a cheater. She was probably sleeping with both officers. He hadn't missed the other officer's, mesmerized look either. He felt disgusted but at the same time, he was enraged that they wanted her. He also couldn't figure out why she was staying here in this building. He had been shocked when he saw the neighborhood Jenny brought him to. He knew Mac would have received the money from her inheritance and he had expected her to live in a secure, influential neighborhood, not in a rough place like this. He could swear that a drug deal had gone down in front of this very building, as they had entered. What about AJ. Where was he in all this. He was determined to find out.

After taking statements from Megan and Mac, the Officers left with a blustering Lord of worms and strangely silent, Crazy bird. Aaron, turned to observe those left behind and this time he wasn't smiling. He gave Mac a lingering look which gave her sudden shivers and his eyes turned to Alexei in a puzzling manner, as if he had lots of questions. Alexei returned his look with raised brows. Observing this, Jenny was  worried. Would her brother and Mac find their way back to each other before it was too late?

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