I hate you

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Alexei's POV

"I hate her so much! I miss her. Why can't I stop thinking about her? Why do I find myself talking to her some times? Why, when she broke my heart? Why Mac? Why wasn't I enough for you? Why did you do it? I thought you loved me. Me! We went through so much but you cheated on me. My own sister hates me because of you. She loves you so much. I just can't tell her and break her heart. I will get over you. No! I am over you. I have Melissa now. She loves me and will never hurt me. She will be my wife soon and you will cease to exist. Jenny won't give Melissa a chance because of you. Damn it!" Suddenly incensed with anger, he threw the glass of whiskey in his hand. The glass flew straight to the wall and shattered into pieces. That was his third glass in an hour. It was time to stop. Ever since that day, when Mac had walked in on him and Melissa, he had done something he never did before. He got drunk. Since then, he, drank whenever his head couldn't handle the multitude of memories and the betrayal. It was amazing that he wasn't an alcoholic yet. Not any more. It was time to set a date for the wedding but first, he needed closure.

Picking up his phone from the couch where he dropped it, he dialled a number from memory. "Hello brother," came his sister's voice. "Jenny, can we talk? Are you able to meet me somewhere or come over to the house." "Wow, straight to the point Bro! Okay, I'll come over in an hour. You order the pizza." Immediately, he heard the dial tone, meaning she cut the call as usual. His sister loved him. He knew that, but, he also knew that she was angry at him. How could he tell her what Mac had done. Jenny loved Mac and despite everything, he didn't want to damage the relationship they had. Quickly tidying up the mess he made, he ordered Jenny's favorite pepperoni pizza and headed to the shower. 

Once they got over their initial awkwardness, the siblings bonded over pizza and wine. Alexei had half a glass to be sociable and while they were eating, he noticed that there were several occasions where Jenny looked like she wanted to say something. After washing up, just as he was about to ask Jenny what was troubling her, she asked him what he wanted to talk about.

"Yeah, about that. Look....can we sit? Thanks....once they each took a seat.....Jenny, I'm going to ask Melissa to marry me." He wasn't looking at her so he didn't see the look of shock and dismay on her face. "We've been together for a while now and I've been unfair to not make a commitment to her. I really want for the two of you to be friends. She will be your sister in law. Can you try for me? Please?" Only then, did he look at Jenny and see the look on her face. "What's the matter? Are you okay?"

"Alexei, if I ask you something, will you answer me honestly please?" At his nod, she continued,"What went wrong with you and Mac? Why did you leave her for Melissa?" "What? Is that what she told you? That Bitch! How could she?Damn it, Jenny, I didn't leave her. That wonderful friend of yours, left me. She cheated on me," he shouted. "I loved Mac!" "What the hell Alexei? Where did you get such a preposterous story from?
Mac, the girl who still waits for you, even if she doesn't say it? Mac, who won't say a bad word against you? Mac, who never breathed a word about why she left you? Mac, who stood by you, since she was twelve? Mac, who doesn't have a cent to her name, but she is responsible for helping so many? My Mac, who hasn't been with a man since the day she left you? Well, if that's what you think is the truth, then that's your problem. You don't deserve her. It's time she moved on. If that Officer, likes her then I will help him to get her."  

Alexei stood there shocked. What was Jenny saying. She was defending Mac. He had seen the photos of her with another guy. Kissing. Someone had sent it to him without a note. He hadn't been able to trace anything. The only option  he had was to make out with Melissa in front of her. Then when he was drunk that night, Melissa was with him. He woke up with her in his bed. She's been there since. Love grew out of the darkness surrounding him. Melissa had picked up the pieces of his broken heart and mended it. He wanted to marry her. It didn't matter about the truth anymore, he had moved on. He only thought about Mac in anger. He still needed closure. The photos, did not lie. Mac was a cheater and he hated her. He wanted to confront her, and put to rest the memories of his first love, so that he could move on.

What was that part about the officer. Before he could ask, Jenny was talking again. "Please brother, atleast talk to Mac first. Don't regret anything later on. I will take you to her, right now, if you want." Jenny was thinking that the only way to do this, was to surprise Mac. Mac wouldn't be angry at her for long. Besides, she was doing this for Mac and AJ. Alexei was apprehensive at the thought of seeing her after so long, and he couldn't understand why, he felt anger at the thought of her with another man. He was also feeling excited and hopeful that what Jenny said was true. Did Mac still love him?

To say that the scene they found in Mac's building was a horrific comedy, was not a lie. As the siblings walked into the lounge area in front of Mac's apartment, one was horrified and the other laughed. Mac was holding up the landlord against the wall and was about to punch him again. Offcourse the duo had been in time to witness the first punch to the landlord's face. Crazy bird was ranting as usual. Megan was crying. So was her son, who was crying in the arms of Officer Hank. AJ was nowhere to be seen, which meant he was inside the apartment or hiding and observing. Jenny walked over to Officer Hank and took Bryan from him. Immediately, Bryan stopped crying.

Motioning to the others, she asked him what happened. He explained that Miss Johnson had called them again to complain about the noise. The noise being the quiet, innocent boy in her arms.  They got here to find, Mac arguing with the landlord, who was trying to forcefully evict Megan under harrassment from Miss Johnson. Things escalated to this point, when the landlord accidentally pushed Megan and she almost dropped Bryan. Mac had grabbed Bryan, stuck him in Officer Hank's arms and pushing the landlord against the wall, she punched him. They had walked in at that point in time. Jenny laughed. The pained looking Officer muttered that he was glad that this was entertaining for her. She laughed again.

Alexei, was closely observing Mac. His blood froze the moment he saw her. He saw the other Officer put his hands around her waist and pull her against him. He saw the look of ecstasy on the man's face when he held her body against his. Fire erupted inside him. "How dare he put his dirty hands on her? She's mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!"
Unfreezing, he rushed towards them. Yanking Mac away from the Officer, he pushed her behind him and yelled at the Officer to not touch her, ever. Behind, him, Mac was frozen in shock.

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