Sexy dreams and Roadbumps

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Backed into a corner, Mac had agreed to stay in Alexei's home. Her former home. AJ was very excited. He liked going to his friends homes for sleepovers because they had lots of space to play. Their apartment was restricting, to a little boy. More than anything else, Mac loved to make her brother happy. This was one of the reasons why she had allowed herself, to be coerced by Jenny. The other was Megan. The last was Jenny. She had taken care of Jenny since they were young and Jenny had reciprocated since then. She knew that Jenny didn't want to be there alone or help with the wedding. Jenny loved her brother but she also loved Mac. It was hard to choose sides. Mac knew this and that's why she agreed to stay.

She went to bed that night, exhausted in mind, body and soul. That day had been traumatic. Slowly, as sleep pulled her in, she drifted and found herself on a bed with Alexei. Alexei was more than ready for bed. He just needed to clear his mind. Maybe sleep would chase away the ache in his body.

Feeling something wet on her breast, Mac opened her eyes. Alexei was hovering over her. He smiled. She smiled back. Just like the old days. "I love you!" He said as he licked her hardened nipple. His tongue laved the swollen bud then moved to the other. "Alexei!" she cried out his name. "How did we get here?" "Does it matter my love? We are finally together." "Nooo!" she moaned as his lips moved to her neck while one hand kneaded her breast. He sucked on her sweet spot and a throbbing ache shot right down to her core. 

She grabbed his head and brought his lips to her mouth. A sweeter kiss, she had never been given from the very same man. His tongue rubbed against hers as he explored her mouth. Sweetness changed as embers burned. Her hips moved restlessly against his hardened shaft. He pressed down into her, making her sink into the bed. Her arms tightened around him, and her legs wrapped over his hips. Needing to breathe, his mouth left hers to travel his chosen path. He pressed kisses from her neck to her breast. Taking one in his mouth. He tasted and tortured, then moved to the other as she begged and pleaded for something she did not know. His mouth moved lower, kissing his way down to her belly. His tongue dipped into her navel. She giggled at the ticklish sensation. He smiled against her skin as his mouth moved lower still.

"Alexei, my love. I've waited so long for this. Make love to me. Make me yours. Finally, Alexei, you are mine," His mouth moved further down and she felt him spread her legs. "You are beautiful," he softly whispered. "What are you doing Alexei?" she questioned, trying to close her legs. "Hush love, I've wanted to see you like this for so long. You are perfect Mac. Let me taste you please?" He looked at her for permission and she searched deeply in his eyes, before giving a small nod. Her eyes closed in shock at the first touch of his tongue. The second had her eyes fly open. She writhed against his face, as his tongue laid fire in it's path. "Yes, love! Look at me. I want to see you. Do you like it? Should I stop?" Her answer was to slip her fingers into his hair and press him closer. She kept her eyes on him, as he sent fire to her belly. The feeling of his tongue, working his magic on her body, was something she wasn't prepared for. The flames grew higher and higher as she reached the heights. She moaned his name. There was a tightness in her belly then a sudden explosion, then a few smaller explosions as she reached that incredible high, for the very first time.

As her body came down from the high, she was aware of Alexei, crawling up her body to lie on her with his arms supporting his weight. She smiled up at the love of her life, pulled him closer and kissed him. She tasted......herself? He deepened the kiss while his hardness pushed against her thigh. Breaking the kiss, she looked at him for a moment. "It's my turn. Let me touch you." He willingly moved off of her and lay beside her. She moved so that she was sitting on his thighs, looking down at him. He thought she was perfect. He was wrong. There was nothing to compare to his body. His broad chest, muscled arms, six pack abs, the narrow trail leading to his.... Mac stared. She couldn't stop staring. She was totally fascinated. She unknowingly reached out to touch. It twitched. She pulled her hand back. Alexei laughed. "Mac, touch me!" She obeyed. He was warm to the touch. She held him in her hand and looked into his eyes. His pupils were dilated and she could see the desire, for her. Lowering herself, she kissed him briefly on his lips. She placed kisses on his neck. Her tongue darted out to lick. He shuddered. She still had him, in her hand and she tried moving her hand up and down. He moaned out loud. Her kisses moved to his chest. Giving him a naughty smile, she licked a nipple. He shuddered again. She didn't know what she was doing but from the sounds he made, she knew he liked it. She continued to move her hands, up and down while going lower. She loved his abs. Her tongue laid a trail of fire down his body. Alexei was in heaven. The girl he loved, loved him back. Her mouth and hands were doing things to him that made him feel sensations he had never felt before. Her inexperience made everything better for him. The fascinated way in which she enjoyed his body, showed how much she wanted him and turned him on, even more.

He wanted to prove to her that he felt the same for her, as she did for him. The jolt of electricity that hit him, made him focus on her, to see her take him in her mouth. The feelings that ran through his body at that moment were inexplicable. As she naively did things to his body, he knew he wanted more from her. He needed to be inside her. He couldn't wait anymore. Pulling her up towards him, he kissed her then flipped her over onto her back. Settling in, between her legs, he asked if she was ready. She showed him she was, by grinding her hips against him. "I'll go slowly love. Tell me if I hurt you. I love you Mac." "I love you, my Alexei." She could feel the tip at her entrance. He slowly......they both whipped around at the noise. Mac sat in in bed, reaching for Alexei. Her unsatisfied body, ached for him. The alarm was making a racket and she was alone, in her own bed. Meanwhile, Alexei groaned in frustration at Melissa, who had just come into his bedroom. She had opened his door and entered. The door had slammed against the wall and this was the noise that had woken him.

He was frustrated and annoyed. He also tried to hide his arousal, by raising his knees. Melissa sashayed over to him with a sultry look and asked if there  was anything she could do for him. He pretended ignorance as he asked her to get him some painkillers from the kitchen. She frowned then went out to get it. He quickly jumped out of bed and hastened into the bathroom. Making sure the door was locked, he set the shower on cold. This was going to be a long day. If only the dream had been real.

The next day, Mac moved in with only their personal belongings. She was given a new room. She found out that Melissa occupied her old room when she stayed over. That hurt so much but she didn't show it. She was already rattled by the dream. It was all she could think about. This was already hard. How much worse could it get now that she lusted after him. The dream had awoken all the feelings she had suppressed over the years. It was going to be a struggle to pretend. How does one pretend that they feel nothing for someone when that person is in your face every day?

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