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Welcome to the new story! I have had many inspirations for this story in my head over the last couple of weeks and if you would like to see more, click The Sin of Him Pintrest board link in my bio! Enjoy!

This house is falling apart. Like seriously. The roof looks like a hole could burst any second. I look up at the ceiling, toothbrush brushing away at my teeth. My eyes apprehensively watch this one part of the ceiling that looks a little off to me.

The house is empty at the moment, which is peaceful. My other roommates, Bailey, my older sister, Persila, and Jasmine, are out at some frat party. They are two years older than me so I tend to not follow them to those things. Not that partying is boring but it's just... not my thing. Especially at the frat house they said it was at. Not my cup of tea.

From my sister it's always, "Brooke, you should come with us, you'd have fun. You have no friends."

I always roll my eyes because if she paid attention, yes I do have friends. And I like them just the way they are. Not alcoholics and super extra extroverts. Boring I know, but things like that tend to get out of hand.

Wearing some plaid pajama pants and a black crew neck I get into bed, pulling up my computer to go over everything I have to do tomorrow.

My decision to live with my sister was one that made my finances a little more comfortable. I have a job at the dance studio and work four days a week, so I help pay what needs to be paid and keep some savings to go toward debt and all that.

I wasn't going to let my sister rub it in that she's letting me live here so I made sure I could contribute what I could. Bailey is... an interesting person, who has always played the role of big sister to the extent of making sure she was better than me. Not that I ever minded, she's pretty, popular, whatever the movies describe as Miss. Perfect pretty much sums her up.

I'd like to say I'm pretty too with my dark hair and hazel eyes, and I'm not so worried about out playing my sister.

My phone buzzes next to me and I see a text from my friend Kai,

Kai: Girl, are you in your bed again?

I roll my eyes and shake my head.

Me: Yes, you have a problem with that?

Kai: I thought our goal this month was to get out more! I need a man Brooke! A man!!

Laughter spills out of my mouth. Kai is one of my best friends. He and I met the first day of classes in English and we hit it off really well. His taste in men is mostly boys who will give him attention. And yes, I've tried to tell him that it's not good to do that.

Kai: I'm adding Hanna to this convo.

Hanna: Kai, what is it now?

Me: He's bullying me about my introvert ways

I end that text with an emoji with its tongue out. My phone rings a second later with a Group FaceTime call.

"Brooke, I was not bullying you," Kai starts, face appearing on the screen. His light brown skin illuminated by the light of his room, and his long-ish black hair pulled into a bun. I laughed at his defense. "I'm literally so bored." He says and I see him flop back onto his bed.

Hanna appears a second later. Her cornrowed hair style pulled into a low pony and her glasses covering her eyes. Her dark skin seems to be illuminated by the flash of her phone."Kai, can I please go to sleep in peace!" Hanna groans.

"Hanna, this isn't about you." Kai says, squinting his eyes.

She scoffs. "Then why am I here!"

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