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I followed Roman out of the room a second later and walked into the kitchen where the rest of the group circled around the kitchen island, looking just as tired as I am.

"James," Bailey says, her tone is frustrated. "You do realize it is 7:30 in the morning right?"

He nods. James is a tall guy with tan skin and shaggy blond hair. He screams surfer dude and coincidentally, he's from Santa Cruz, California. "Bailey, have you never been to a lake?" He asks. "People fill in so quickly we won't get a spot."

"We have a beach out our backyard!" Bailey exclaims. Her arm emphasizes her point by directing it out towards the backyard.

James sighs. "Come onnnn guys. We are only here for three days, we can go out there tomorrow. Let's have one day where we can go to a good lakefront."

Jasmine backs him up and I know she is a stickler for this too. I look at Roman who is standing across from me and he rolls his eyes, making me laugh at the whole situation. He crosses his arms over his chest, and from where he is standing, he can lean back onto the kitchen counter. His gaze doesn't leave me.

"Okay, James is right," Lucas counters in. "Let's just have an adventure today and we can relax tomorrow."

The rest of the group nods and we go our separate ways to change before we pack some food.

So changing... I glance back at Roman who is following me back to the room. I walk in first and quickly grab my stuff. I turn around and he gives me a strange look.

"What?" He asks.

"I'm going to change in the bathroom," I say.

He chuckles. "Okay then," he says.

I probably didn't need to announce that. I walk into the bathroom down the hall and come out a few seconds later. My swimsuit is underneath another old baggy dance shirt I have. I was going to wear shorts but if it's as hot as it says it's going to be, there's technically no point if I'm just going to either be swimming or too warm to have extra layers on.

Roman has left the door open for me and he's shirtless and wearing his navy blue swim shorts. My eyes bulge upon looking at his naked chest and abs. His tattoos coat more of his body than I expected. One that stands out to me is vines that cascade in different directions from his arm to the middle of his chest. He's also got a dying rose that has a petal falling from it.

He catches me staring and I quickly look away, trying to avoid him teasing me.

He doesn't put on a shirt which surprises me. When I look back at him his eyes are on me again. Looking me up and down. Not like he's checking me out but more like he's examining my attire.

"No shorts?" He asks nonchalantly.

I scrunch my eyebrows. "Uh no, why?" I ask curiously.

He shakes his head. "No reason," he says.

Okay then. "We should head out there. I hear them in the kitchen."

Roman nods and I'm eager to get out of this awkward conversation about my appearance. Bailey asks me if I want a sandwich and I say yes. See? Aren't we glad I bought bread and lunch meat?

Once we pack lunches and pile into the car. The drive to the lakefront begins. We managed to all pile into Keegan's car. I say next to Jasmine and Persila in the backseat while Roman, Lucas, and James are in the second row. Persila whispers to us about her night with Lucas. There's no way the guys can't hear her but I'm not sure they care.

"He really said that!" Jasmine whispers excitedly.

Persila nods, a giddy smile on her face. "Yes!" She whispers back.

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