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The rest of the evening and into the early morning, was me avoiding Roman. He would try and squeeze his way in and be near me, but I wasn't having it. I would sit next to Bailey, I would stand next to Jasmine, I would even include myself in a conversation with the other guys if it meant me not giving Roman my attention.

I mean in reality, there could be a reason for his disappearing act, but I'm protecting myself too. I'm young, I'm allowed to make mistakes. But not ones that end with me heartbroken over something I could have attempted to avoid.

But things happen and I'm not mad it happened. I'm just mad it didn't turn out the way the voice in the back of my head wanted it to.

It's that time of the night where the couples turn in because they are "too tired" and I decide to brush my teeth and get ready for bed in hope I can avoid Roman for a little bit longer.

I spit the excess toothpaste into the sink and finish up washing my face. I changed into some red and black plaid pajama pants and an old dance T shirt to sleep in. I glare at myself in the mirror deciding how this should go. But now I'm realizing how stupid I look staring into the mirror, glaring at myself, and walk out of the bathroom with my toiletrie bag.

The lights are dimmed when I walk into the bedroom and I see Roman laying on the floor. Looking to be laying on a makeshift bed of pillows and two blankets. He doesn't see me enter yet and I frown at the sight. No matter how annoyed I am with the situation, I feel bad he has to sleep on the floor. The bed isn't that small and I can keep to myself. I think.

I sigh. "You don't have to sleep on the floor." I mutter, catching his attention.

His tired eyes look up at me and he makes a sleepy smile. He really does look tired. He's wearing some grey sweatpants and a black shirt. Hand is on top of his head, patting his messy hair.

He yawns. "I'm good, you can have your beauty sleep." He mocks and I know he's teasing but it doesn't make me feel any better.

"You look more tired than me." I comment. "You can sleep on the bed I don't mind." I lie but I'm trying to be nice.

He shakes his head. "If it makes you uncomfortable then-"

I interrupt. "It really doesn't Roman," I lie. "I'm just tired and I think if you stay on the floor, I'll be more uncomfortable knowing there's someone on the floor."

A chuckle rumbles from his sleepy voice. "What? You scared of monsters under the bed?" His eyes twinkle with amusement.

I glare at him. "No, it's just weird." I say shrugging. Which, thinking out it, it actually is.

He watches me again. "Fine," he says and stands, throwing the pillow back on the bed. "Which side?"

"Right," I say. "I like the left. If that's okay?" I murmur.

He nods and walks around the bed to the right side. I turn my back to him in order to put my things away. I try to contain my anxiousness in the process.

Without making eye contact with Roman, I round the bed and lift the covers to slip inside.

The room is peacefully silent and I can hear Roman shuffling beside me. He shuts off the lamp on his bedside table, washing the room into darkness. I feel like I'm in a cheesy romance book, having to sleep in a bed with the love interest. Kai will die when he hears this.

Roman moves to his side so he's facing me, his arm propping his head up. I turn around so I can face him too.

His hand moves up and instinctively seems to brush my dark hair behind my ear. The movement surprises me a bit but I surprisingly relaxed under the touch.

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