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I storm after Brooke into the house, my body still sizzling with some agitation. Things have been thrown at me lately telling me I'm not good enough for Brooke and I've tried to brush them off, ignore them, because like I said, I'm selfish enough to love Brooke even with all my screw ups. But when that prep school looking kid showed up, I knew what I was looking at: a better future for Brooke.

Sure I have my plans, but this guy is on pre-med, has two parents who love him, and everything going for him. The anger that pilled up in me watching them interact wasn't what I was ready to see today.

I'd had a great day. For the first time ever, I actually felt like I was doing something right. I was helping my girlfriend's dad and he didn't bat an eye at how I presented myself.

I realized a long time ago that people will judge you no matter how much you show them you don't deserve it. But when it comes to Brooke, there's nothing more I want than for her to be safe and happy.

I follow Brooke all the way into the dining room, where I find her looking frustrated at the food her parents set on the table.

Her mom walks in the room with another dish with a smile. But once she sees the look on Brooke's face and one my face probably mirrors she frowns.

"What has got you two in a twist?" She asks, placing the dish on the table.

Brooke looks caught off guard and doesn't even look at me when she says. "Roman just told me he doesn't like pickles," She lied.

Brooke's mom throws her head back in laughter. "Oh Roman, honey, you'll never hear the end of that,"

I turn to Brooke who still won't look at me. She takes a seat at the table and reaches to spoon some potatoes on her plate. I take the seat next to her, playing along with her little game of "we are fine, and nothing is wrong".

Her dad walks in a minute later, his hands full of napkins. He takes a seat next to Brooke's mom and they smile at one another.

Brooke's tense energy from beside me is bothering me. Making me want to pull her from the table and fix this. But I think the last thing she wants is for her parents to be involved in our issues. Yeah, issues. I'm the number 1 suspect of said issues.

"When are Bailey and Keegan coming back?" Brooke's mom asks, grabbing some meet with the tongs.

"I think she said around ten," Knox answers. "Seeing some movie I guess,"

Brooke anxiously bangs her fork against her plate, her knee bobbing under the table. I place my hand on her knee to try and calm her but her pushes my hand away. When I meet her gaze, she's glaring at me.

"Brooke, how's work?" Her mother asks. "You told me you were trying that exercise on them with the sassy song?"

Brooke clears her throat before speaking, seeming to need it more for covering up her anger than anything else. "Great actually, I used Gimme More by Britney Spears, it seemed to work well, they are all getting better with it."

Her mom seems satisfied and looks at me. "Roman, you know Brooke dances, she has since she was 2 and ½. Quite the talent this girl has."

I smile. "That she does," I look over at her to see she's still mad. Well she can't stop me now. "I've come to watch her teach a few times,"

Her dad's eyebrows raise. "You have?" Her dad seems surprised.

I nod. "Right after we first met actually," I look over at Brooke whose cheeks are red and her eyes fuming.

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