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The sun coming through the large windows in Brooke's room wakes me up. The warmth of Brooke and her bed has me wishing we could stay like this all day. Mind you, the only thing keeping me from continuing with that plan is the fact that either of Brooke's parents could find us in bed together any second now. And they might not believe that we were only "sleeping" by the fact that neither of us have shirts on or pants in Brooke's case.

The arm wrapped around Brooke's waist tightens as I lean in to kiss her temple. She begins to squirm in my arms, not wanting to be woken up just yet. A low chuckle comes from me as I then pepper for face with more kisses.

"Hey, Brooke?" I ask, keeping up my pace of kisses.

She doesn't move toward me but she mumbles, "Hmm?" In response.

"Why didn't you tell me your dad had tattoos?" I ask curiously.

That moves her to look at me and her face twists in confusion. "I don't know? Should I have?" She asks.

I shake my head. "No, I just-" I hesitate, not really wanted to embarrass myself with my dumbass insecurities.

She squints at me. "What?"

I sigh. "I was just being stupid and thought I could risk your parents hating me because I have tattoos and look like I just came out of some emo concert."

She throws her head back in laughter, making my chest swell at the sound. "One, you do not look like you just came out of a emo concert, and two, you never need to worry about what you look like."

I nod. "I know," I say, not meeting her eyes. "But I've never done this before. The whole meeting the parents thing. And I'm not the poster child for boyfriend visits to the parents."

She frowns. "I prefer you over anything else." She says, her eyes gaze up into mine. "College jocks don't do it for me" She says, an amused look on her face.

I snort. "Yeah, well, Keegan is right down the hall and I'll be sure to tell him your view of jocks," That makes her laugh and I lean closer to her.

My breath fans her face and her eyes go half lidded with desire. Oh how I wish I could just...

"Brooke why did you tell mom that I had the curling-" Bailey stops talking once she lays eyes on us.

"Bailey!" Brooke exclaims, covering her chest and throwing the blanket over my head in attempt to hide me. Smart girl she is, I think before rolling my eyes from under her blankets.

"Why is he in your bed?" Bailey whisper-shouts.

Even without looking at Brooke I can imagine her rolling her eyes. "I'm almost 19 years old, I can do what I please," She says.

I reveal myself from under the blankets, done with the closed corders of the warm covers. "You should be mad at me," I say. "I came in here first," I say shrugging.

Bailey rolls her eyes before exiting the room. Brooke and I turn to one another, goofy smiles on our faces. I think I've corrupted her a little too much.



It's late afternoon now after a pretty boring day for me. Roman, my dad, and Keegan have been in the garage all day trying to fix the car.

My boredom has fully kicked in and I'm beginning to regret letting my dad steal Roman for the day. I decide to check on them and get up from my spot on the coach.

I tip toe into the garage and peek open the door. I see my dad and Roman's backs to me as they both look at a part in the car. Roman wears a backward baseball cap, a wife beater, and some old sweatpants. The white high top converse he wears now coated black.

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