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It's later that night and I feel like it's been a whirlwind of a day. After Roman and I were interrupted, we played this weird game in teams of two. Apparently Roman and I are both extremely competitive so we won very triumphantly. He stole a kiss from me after our win too. Which brought hoots and howlers from the others.

Right now we are all finishing up dinner and then I guess we are going to sit by the bonfire outside. But all I want to do is be alone with Roman. Not just to fool around, but to get to know him I guess. I feel like such a girl when I say that but it's true, I'd like to get to know someone and add to the attraction that's already there.

I only know little things about him. I'd also like to maybe ask about him and Professor Callahan. It might not be my place but it never hurts to ask.

"I am beat," Lucas announces, lifting his arm up so it slides behind Persila's shoulders

"I'm with you," James comments back.

We all make our way to the outside patio and take seats on the big outdoor couches. Roman, as always, is nowhere to be seen. Said something about a phone call before slipping out of the room.

I take a seat where no one else is since I would feel weird sitting next to the couples. It's kind of odd how this is more of a couples weekend? Oh well.

Persila, Jasmine, and Bailey, begin talking about the new brand of LuluLemon leggings and I listen in because as a dancer, I'm always open to new leggings.

"Leggings are deadly," Lucas says.

Persila gives him a look. "Oh yeah? Us girls wear them all the time."

Lucas rolls his eyes. "That's the fucking problem."

Bailey laughs. "I'm not sure that's a problem for you Lucas." Bailey rolls her eyes and shakes her head turning back to Keegan.

"Lucas, why the hell do you care?" Keegan scoffs.

"Because I might like my girl in leggings but so will every guy walking past her." Lucas looks at Persila and she smirks at him. "Especially those fancy ones you girls buy."

"Comfort is key boys." Jasmine says.

I laugh. "That, I can agree to."

Persila looks toward me. "You're a dancer right Brooke?" She asks. "You must wear them all the time."

I nod. "I have like four pairs because it's basically all I wear unless it's warm out and then I wear spandex sports."

All three guys groan. "Not the spandex." James says dreamlessly.

The girls and I all laugh and I hear the back door open. Roman walks out looking very confused as to why the guys look dazed and we are laughing.

He raises his brow at me.

I smirk. "We are talking about women's athletic wear. Primarily leggings and spandex."

Roman's face of recognition turns to the rest of the guys. He takes the seat next to me and I smile at him. He puts his arm behind the couch and traces circles on my shoulder.

"But Brooke," Jasmine starts. "How is dance anyways? Is the routine you were talking about coming together?"

Ah so they do listen to me when I rant in the kitchen. I nod. "Yeah I think so. I took a few weeks and did a routine that sparked some personality into their style and I think it really worked."

Roman gives me a tap and I turn to see him giving me a knowing smile. I roll my eyes playfully and direct my attention back to Jasmine.

Lucas gets up. "I need a beer, anyone else?" He asks and everyone besides me raises their hands. "I guess I'll get the whole cooler than." He jokes and the whole group laughs.

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