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The venue of tonight's fight is a lot more professional than the last fight of Roman's I attended. When exiting the car my lips form an 'O' gazing up at the large building.

The building is named Knox Inc., and is represented in big, lite up letters.

"Who owns this building?" I ask Natasha as we follow Drew in the building.

Natasha loops her arm through mine as we start to reach more people. "Julien," She says flatly. "Julien's full name is Julien Knox. Some of his money goes towards his tax business." She finishes, rolling her eyes.

My eyebrows knit together. "Why would someone who dabbles in underground fighting own a tax business?" I ask, genuinely confused at the prospect.

"He uses it as his cover, making sure no one would suspect a business man like him to orchestrate something so illegal."

That also confuses me. When Roman and I ran into Julien, he didn't seem like a business man. He seemed more like some mafia boss. His dark features and grayish hair, make my skin crawl just thinking about it.

Drew leads us down a long stair case. I feel like we are walking forever but once we reach a door, my heart races at the noise coming through the door. When Drew knocks a large man in a black suit opens it. I'd say he's about 6'5 and could probably crush my foot if he stepped on it. He recognizes Drew but turns his head toward Natasha and I.

Drew follows his gaze and quickly clarifies.

"Hedric, this is my wife, Natasha and our friend, Brooke." Drew says to Hedric.

Hedric doesn't say anything more and widens the door to let us in. As we walk through the massive crowd of people, I begin to recognize that this isn't just an average underground, secret fight. This is a betting war. 

I see all different kinds of men and women, all appearing to be of elite status. I quickly glance down at my attire that's just some black jeans and a maroon blouse. I feel out of place with all the cocktail dresses and suits.

It makes me feel better remembering that Natasha, Drew and I are all wearing causal clothes, and that I will probably never see any of these people again.

"Over here," Drew says loudly, directing us to a more open area instead of in the mass of crowds.

This venue is a lot larger than the last one I went to. It's probably equally as crowded and packed in but with the room being larger, there's room to stick in the back and not feel claustrophobic.

"Where's Roman?" I ask Drew, trying to calm my nerves.

Drew looks at me. "He's probably back with Julien and the other guys, probably Jameson too."

My mind remembers meeting Jameson as well as his wife over the last few days. They seemed nice enough, but if their involved in this is so large, I'm not sure I would regularly like to be around them.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I see that Kai is calling me. I contemplate answering it because he'll interrogate me on where I am. He knows I'm in Chicago with Roman but both him and Hanna think we are just sight seeing and on a "vacation".

I tell Natasha and Drew I will be right back and find a quiet corner down a hallway to pick it up.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

Kai's response is immediate. "B! Hey! Long time no talk sis," He teases. "Enjoying your sex trip with the bad boy?"

I roll my eyes. "Kai, it's not a sex trip," I blush at the memory of last night and am glad Kai can't see the flush in my cheeks.

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