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Hellooooo, little bit of a shorter chapter today but I'll have the next one up over the next few days!

"Why would you possibly think something like this would look good on me?" I ask, glaring at myself in the mirror. Kai thought it was a grand idea to pick out a leather pantsuit for me to try on. I on the other hand would like to breath every once and awhile, y'know?.

Kai rolls his eyes at me through the mirror. "Come on, Brooke, you are the one with the hot boyfriend," He makes a pout with this lips.

I squint my eyes. "And I think Roman likes me to be myself, not CatWoman." I say, as what I'm wearing does remind me of her.

Hanna nods, crossing her arms over her chest. "Kai she kinda looks ridiculous."

"Ugh, fine, you two are no fun." He complains but then a suspicious look gleams in his eyes. "Speaking of which, how is Roman in bed anyways?"

I freeze and my eyes widen. "Kai!" I exclaim.

He shrugs. "What? I knew it the moment you walked up to us,"

Hanna gives him a strange look. "How the heck did you know she had had sex by looking at her?"

Kai smirks. "It's a talent," he claims. "Now tell us, Brooke. Come on!"

I glare at him. I make my way back to the dressing room and shut the door, not wanting to reveal my dirty secrets to Kai.

"Brooke!" Kai drawls. "He's hot! He has to be good,"

I frown. "Just because he's hot doesn't excuse you on getting into my private business!" I yell through the door.

Since Roman and I have got home, I've been catching up on most of the school work I missed, not wanting to be super behind. Kai and Hanna asked to hang out today so I eagerly accepted, needing to get my eyes off the computer screen for awhile.

I have had breaks over the last few days but most of that was spent sleeping, eating, or with Roman... who is very willing to help me relieve stress.

That trip, no matter how chaotic, was beneficial. We grew our connection to one another and I've never been happier.

I sigh and glance at my now fully clothed attire, straightening out my hair before exiting. Kai is waiting for my answer and Hanna shrugs.

"Okay, yes, we did." I whisper to him. "But I'm not telling you any more than that,"

Kai grins. "Okay fine, but can you at least tell me you enjoyed yourself?" He folds his hands together, begging me to answer.

The flush on my cheeks gave Kai the answer he needed.

Dragging ourselves to the food court, we chose a Chinese restaurant that was less packed than the McDonalds nearby, the exhaustion of walking around the mall beginning to hit me.

"I think I need to head home after this," I tell them, sad to leave but needing to get some rest before I finish up some more school work and finish the last week of school before Thanksgiving break. "It's going to be a long week,"

"I hear ya'," Kai agrees. "My sociology teacher gave us a ten page paper due on Friday. He gave it to me yesterday. It's a big paper too, it's only Monday and I could already use a nap," He says, yawning as he does so.

"I should probably go too," Hanna says, "I better get back before my roommate decides to bother me," She rolls her eyes and picks at her food.

I frown. "You're always welcome at the house, Hanna." I tell her. "It's a quiet space and most of the girls are with their boyfriend's anyway,"

Hanna gives me a knowing look. "Oh yeah and like you with yours? No thanks, I'd rather not watch you too make googly eyes at each other,"

I scoff. "We do not make googly eyes, Roman would probably gag if we did. I think I would too," The three of us laugh and after we finish up our food, I drive back to the house.

When I get home, Keegan's car is outside. I shrug and walk inside. Upon entering, I see Keegan grabbing a box of Cheez Its from the top self.


He jumps, yelping and the Cheez It box tumbles to the floor. "Jesus, Brooke!" He says in shock.

I laugh. "Sorry, I was expecting you to be here."

He glares. "Yeah, well, maybe next time, don't sneak up on me please."

I raise an eyebrow. "I slammed the door and everything, how was I supposed to know you were deaf?"

"Funny," he scowls and goes down to pick up the box that has spilled crackers onto the floor.

I walk up the stairs still giggling to myself and walk into my bedroom.

"AHH!" I cry out when I see someone sitting on my bed.

Roman starts laughing from his spot on the bed while I try to compose myself.

"Roman! What the hell!" I say and walk over to tackle him on the bed.

He keeps laughing. "Maybe call it pay back for making Keegan drop the Cheez Its."

My position above him has me glaring down at him. "Oh at least someone in this house isn't deaf." I tease, now smiling down at his handsome face.

Roman nods, a smile still coating his lips. "Yeah, I think Keegan might have been dropped as a kid. These walls are paper thin." he says and knocks on the wall beside my bed.

I nod my head in agreement. This house is still kind of falling apart but we were planning to buy a new house soon.

"Don't you have work?" Roman asks me and it makes me smile that he remembers my work schedule.

I nod. "I do, but I asked my coworker Lucy to cover for me until after break, I thought it might be better for me to catch up,"

His eyes gleam with admiration. "Smart girl," He says smirking.

I squint my eyes. "Speaking of which, you need to leave,"

He mock gasps. "That's rude, Princess" He says.

I chuckle and shove his shoulder. "Well, you are very distracting,"

He raises an eyebrow. "Oh am I?" His hand then slides up my thigh and gets dangerously close to the spot between my legs.

I nod, putting my hand over his and pulling it away. I lean down and hover over his lips, "You are free to stay if you can keep your hands away,"

He seems to genuinely think about my offer. "Hmm, deal," He says. "But only if you show me what's in the bag you brought in when you're done."

I glance over my shoulder to my shopping bag and then back at him. I quickly kiss his lips and then whispering, "Deal,"

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