30 (Epilogue)

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"Why do you have drawings on you arms?" Lydia asks, examining Roman's tattooed arms.

Lydia is Roman's new little sister and despite what he says, he loves her. Every time I see them together, Roman's eyes light up and his smile is a tad brighter.

It's been three months since Julien's arrest and Roman has finally found some peace. With the addition of his new family, Roman has had something to lean on. Well, he actually has two new families.

Like Roman promised, he came home for Christmas with me and then spent the few days after Christmas with his father, step mom, and Lydia. My family loves Roman and it makes me happy that Roman knows he isn't alone anymore.

Watching Lydia now, as she examines her brother, I wonder how she hasn't noticed his tattoos before.

Roman chuckles. "They are for fun and they aren't drawings, they are tattoos."

Her big hazel eyes that resemble Roman's, widely look toward me. "Daddy said tattoos are bad," she whispers to me.

I fight not to laugh. "Well, Lydia, Roman is a big boy and decided to get them on his own. You are little so your dad doesn't want you to get them."

She draws her little eyebrows together and frowns. "Brooke," which sounds more like Bwooke, "I no little, I big, like you!"

I smile down at her. "Sure you are," I say to her. "But for right now, tattoos are a no no for you,"

She seems to accept that and stands from her spot on the floor next to us. For three, she is very smart. She asked me yesterday why I was wearing the same shirt the last time I saw her. Her mother then had to explain how the washing machine works.

I look back at Roman who has a happy smile on his face. His smile will never get old. And apparently according to his father, he doesn't smile at anyone like that besides me.

"Come on," He signals me to get up. "I have something for you."

I give him a confused look and he just smirks at me. We walk through the cabin his family is renting and leads us to the room we have been staying in this week.

Since spring break is approaching and our friends planned a trip to the lake house again, Roman's father invited us this week instead of going the week of spring break. Roman and I did school online, while Professor Callahan got a sub, claiming he needed a break from hungover college kids. The comment made me laugh and reminded me just how frustrating his job must be at times.

We reach our room and Roman rummages through his bag, lifting out a box.

Once he hands it to me I ask, "What's this?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Just open it," He says, impatiently.

I roll my eyes and open it. My lips part and my breath catches when I see what's inside. It's black high top converse, just like his, and a red rose. I look back up at him, wondering why he got these for me.

Before I can ask any questions, he interrupts me. "Look at the sides of the shoe."

I obey and push the rose to the side to pull one of the shoes out of the box. I examine the sides and I smile at what I see. In Roman's handwriting it reads, "Just like a wide winged dove..." It's a lyric from Edge of Seventeen.

I look up at him with a smile. "We heard that song the night..."

He nods. "The night of our first time."

My grin widens. "When did you become such a romantic," I tease and he rolls his eyes. "But Roman, I love them, seriously."

He pulls me into a kiss. "I'm glad,"

And that's the end!! Thank you so much for reading this story! I hope you enjoyed it and I hope it was a fun read for you all. Even if you came from my last two stories or not, thank you for reading. I've been just doing this for fun the last few months and I really enjoy it. I'll probably find another story to write at some point but with that said, I hope you enjoyed The Sin of Him! I'll might be doing a few edits so if you happen to get notifications from this story that's why haha! Bye for now!

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