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My room is peacefully silent as Kai, Hanna, and I do some homework together. We try to do homework together to make it more, "fun" I guess? We usually end up stopping and just talk the rest of the time but right now it's nice to have them around.

Contrary to what Bailey believes, I do have friends and they are great. I've never had more than a few friends and Kai and Hanna are just the right friends for me.

"What do you think of this guy?" Kai says holding up his phone for Hanna and I to see.

The guy in question is tall, Asian, muscular, and has a very expensive looking outfit on. "He looks expensive." Hanna comments.

I push Hanna's shoulder and laugh. "He looks attractive too." I add, looking back at Kai.

Kai shrugs. "He is." He pulls the phone back to his face and swipes right. Yep, he's on Tinder.

"I thought we were supposed to be doing homework?" Hanna says, amused.

Kai gives her a look. "You two and your responsibilities." He says shaking his head.

Hanna and I look at each other and laugh.

A moment later my door opens and Bailey peeks her head in. Her eyebrows knit together. "Oh, you do have friends." Kai and Hanna both give me a confused look.

I roll my eyes at Kai and Hanna before I look at Bailey. "Did you need something?" I ask.

She nods. "I need a ride over to the frat house tonight."

Uh what? "Bailey I thought-"

"I know what you think but I just need to grab my stuff from his room. I don't really want to go alone and Persila and Jasmine are elsewhere tonight." Bailey says.

Bailey needs some new friends. Well, we need new roommates, is also another way to put it.

I frown. "Yeah sure, what time?" I ask.

She shrugs. "Whenever. Maybe when your friends leave?"

I nod and she tells us goodbye.

Kai looks at me. "How does she keep forgetting we exist?"

Hanna chimes in too. "She looked off."Hanna comments. "She didn't look like the "I'm so confident Bailey."

I nod. "Her frat boy boyfriend broke up with her out of the blue. Usually she doesn't take it this hard but she won't tell me the whole story. And for your question Kai, I have no idea." I scoff.

"Can we come with you to the frat house?" Kai grins.

"No." Hanna and I say at the same time.

Kai groans. "See," he points between the two of us. "Boring."

Hanna and I shake our heads.

"I should probably get going," Hanna announces getting up off my bed. "The roommate from hell probably just left for her party of the evening so that's my time to get in bed before she comes back."

"You really need a new roommate." I say. Hanna's roommate is exactly how Hanna stated it. She's kinda psycho and parties all the time. Maybe getting new roommates would include Hanna someday.

Hanna nods in agreement. "Totally. I told the RA and she said I'd have to wait till the end of the semester. Come finals time, I might crash here." She says.

I nod. "You totally can, you're welcome anytime."

"Thanks, B." She says. "Alright bye you two." She says and waves us off, walking out the door.

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