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I feel like I've been so random with my posting schedule but I guess I'll just have to make do haha. It's gonna get pretty busy for me soon so I will try to post as much as I can!


When we arrived at the Covet house, I was more nervous than I anticipated. Meeting a girlfriend's parents is not something I do everyday. Well shit, I've never actually met a girl's parents, let alone had girlfriend.

Brooke's childhood home is as I expected, a classy middle class home. Keegan and I met their mom first. She looks similar to Bailey, with her short brown hair and bubbly personality. She was very excited that we were here and kept talking about how exciting it was to have both girls' boyfriend's in the house. She also kept reminding me that I was the first boy Brooke has ever brought home. I smirked at Brooke every time Mrs. Covet mentions it, her punching my arm in return.

Brooke's father was apparently still at work so my nerves spiked a little more. I'm not usually the nervous type. But when it comes to Brooke, there's a reason for me to be nervous. Despite Brooke's mom not saying anything, I can't help but think of how she felt about me. I push those thoughts from my mind because right now, I could care less what I look like.

"So boys," Brooke's mother begins. "How has school been going for you both?"

We are now sitting in the living room. The couch is big enough to where the four of us can sit on the couch and Mrs. Covet sits on a chair near the couch.

"Good for me," Keegan says, bringing out a smile. "Ready to graduate next year," he says and sighs in relief.

Mrs. Covet smiles and nods, moving her attention to me. "And you dear?"

I try not to chuckle at her endearment. "Uh it's good, I'm studying computer science so I've started to look into some internships."

Yep, good ole me is getting ready for the real world. Brooke glances my way and smiles. We don't talk much about my schooling, mostly because I do it when I'm not with her and tend to never speak of it. Brooke looked bored to death the last time I mentioned something. I've known that fighting can't be my whole life. After metaphorically fighting through my whole life, I knew I needed something stable. My fighting career is far from stable but I'm hoping that ends as fast as it started.

"That's a very interesting study you have there, Roman," Mrs. Covet comments.

I nod in thanks. She continues a conversation with Keegan and Bailey about something they did recently and I turn my attention to Brooke, who is intently listening to the conversation. Her face is flat and you can tell she's listening by the way her eyes move between each person who speaks.

She catches me staring and she smiles, shaking her head. I lean in and lightly kiss behind her ear. "Where do I get to sleep?" I whisper into her ear, adding in a suggestive tone.

She gives me a face that tells me she doesn't know, shrugging but her cheeks flush from the prospect of me and her under her parent's roof.

"I'm assuming you and Keegan will take the spare bedroom," She whispers in my ear, feeling the warmth of her breath on my skin.

I smirk. "Guess I'll have to sneak around then," I whisper back.

She shakes her head, glaring at me and turns her attention back to the others. My arm, that sits behind the couch, plays with a piece of her hair.

A moment later, the front door opens and a tall, dark haired, muscular man walks through. He looks a lot like Brooke with Hazel eyes, light skin and brown hair, but his face has some age to it. My eyes widen when they attach to his forearms that aren't covered by his work shirt. Tattoos. And I was worried they'd hate me for mine.

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