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Hanna groans trying to put on her eyeliner for the fifth time. "Whyyyy did we let Kai drag us into this?" She groans again.

I laugh her way and turn back to my mirror. I'm not so keen on the whole party thing but I think I needed to get out for a little bit. I'm only a freshman and I think I need to live a little. Kai has always been more adventurous than Hanna and I so when we caved on going to a party, his eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning and sent us the info for tonight's party of choice.

Kai chose a frat, which isn't my favorite place of all time but as long as it's not the one Bailey was at last week, then I'll go. I made sure to mention that to Kai before he decided. Roman has still been stuck in the back of my mind but I haven't really let myself stress on it too much. In reality, I don't know him, I don't have communication with him, so there's no point in thinking about it. Well besides the fact that he's drop dead gorgeous is more the thing I can't get out of my head. Ugh, my brain needs to shut it.

"Ladies!" Kai announces as he walks in my room. His outfit is very Kai. Ripped jeans, white hoodie, and a Jean jacket. Kai isn't much of a feminine gay but more of a masculine gay. The fact that he prefers to date guys doesn't bother me, it's the fact that sometimes he acts like a boy that grinds Hanna and I'd gears from time to time. Forgetful, clueless, blah, blah, blah.

But we love him and couldn't think of anyone better to be our best friend. He's the amusement and the excitement for our group. While I usually am the buffer between Hanna and Kai who like to get on each other's nerves. And Hanna is the brains of our group, she's saved me on more assignments this year than I can count. I've always tried to be a good student but getting help from others is always a plus.

"Ready to go?" I ask, standing from my chair by my mirror and grabbing my purse.

Kai frantically nods and Hanna sighs. "I guess," she drawls.

Kai rolls his eyes. "Hanna, can we please have fun for once." He mocks.

She scoffs playfully. "I am having fun, what do you mean." She says sarcastically.

A chuckle flies from my mouth. "Okay you two," I say. "Let's go before Hanna changes her mind and I fall back into my bed."

Kai then rushes to the door that makes Hanna and I laugh. We walk down the stairs and my sister and two roommates look like they are about to head out too.

Bailey's eyes light up upon looking at me. She claps her hands together. "Oh my gosh! B going to a party! I never thought I'd see the day!"

I glare at her. "I've been to parties."

Bailey rolls her eyes. "Yeah the ones with you dance friends don't count." She says as she looks to Jasmine and Persila. "We are going to a party too. Henry invited Jas to their party tonight."

I frown. Lucas' frat? "But what about Lucas?" I ask cautiously.

Jasmine pips in. "He won't be there. He's on a retreat with the baseball team or something. Screw him anyways Bay, he's a jerk."

I smile at Jasmine. I knew I liked Jasmine. Persila is just staring down at her phone. Typical.

"Well you guys have fun!" I say to Bailey and Jasmine.

"You too!" Bailey calls out to us as we walk out the front door.

Kai's car is small but the three of us fit just fine. The ride to the party is Kai turning up the music and Hanna and I laughing our heads off because it's hurting our ears.

The frat Kai brings us to is huge. And very loud and busy from the looks of it. I see people outside and inside.

"Are we sure about this?" Hanna asks, nervously.

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